Character was deleted after today's Fodra reset...

Master Patch

My 138 FOmarl Symmetry has vanished on me.
I waited to see if anyone else was experiencing problems or missing characters after the reset, but I guess I alone am condemned to sorrow.

But I have hopes you can save me!
Is it the same guild card # 42004065?

I cannot find that character on that account and I went back to a few hours back as well, unless you have another account.

EDIT: OK I found it in a much earlier backup.
I only have the one account... I double-checked my guild card to make sure I hadn't made a typo, but it's indeed 42004065.

My other characters are "Kari" and "Meggan"...
Now I'm quite sad, since I was playing this morning on Symmetry, so I wonder why records of her wouldn't be showing up? :(
I'm going to look into this further. Your character was deleted between 12pm - 1pm CST, I didn't shut down until 2:30pm CST.
My char was also deleted today 42004579 char name was zero already pmd bout it
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Just going to shut down the other two ships then and put the old code back for them. I'll restore your character, give me a moment.
Hello, I stayed a long time without running (Much work; /). My CHARS are gone, this is supposed to happen? Lucky my items in the bank still there. :)
Are you loading the correct page of characters? We now have 32 slots per account, so if you messed with the "SLOT: XX-XX" tab on the launcher, you'll need to change that (or type /cbank 1 ingame). If your characters are still gone, someone will have to restore them for you.
All his characters are still there, not sure what he's going on about. Probably accidentally changed his character page from the launcher.

I see Kala, Light-Falz, ParanOrmal and Geneflow in good health.

Edit: Speaking of that, Geneflow his latest character, is on slot 28. Which confirms he probably changed his character page from the launcher without realizing it. His other characters are on slot 1-3.