Brezlin - Banned

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hey bud, sorry for the ban. [n.n]
(lol, but for real - I think they needed spots for people who party up and stuff, no disrespek intended n.n)

edit: on a side note - you can form the AFK lords now [.n.]
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You could have just told me and moved on, I don't take things personally.
But when you leave me on my own to discover, I do things like dig up the chat logs and sort through keywords and realize you and sniffles were repulsed by the Brez. I treat this community a hell of a lot better than my Youtube or Twitter confrontations. I just think it could have been handled a lot better if there was some communication. If you're going to comment about my AFK, it just seems like you're speaking to the general audience, but you forget that I'm right here. I level'ed up with you and sniffles during this anniversary event, and I read through the chat logs from that period of time when I was kicked. I was active, but I do know what you are trying to say, but I still think it is an excuse to keep things civil.

Just say what it is, you don't like me.
If you Bullshit me, It just makes you seem fake and full of shit.
Everyone who knows me knows that I have a stupid show where I expose bullshit.
I have even dug up perverts on this website that were selling selfies of a girl that had sexted them.
I will not sit here and let my awareness of whats going on here be watered down.
Especially when I have chat logs of roaches flying out of peoples mouths.
I really didn't care until people from your group started dropping out of my games.
It makes it a lot harder for this community to enjoy themselves when people from cursed souls aren't being honest with who they are.

You could have just told me and moved on, I don't take things personally.
But when you leave me on my own to discover, I do things like dig up the chat logs and sort through keywords and realize you and sniffles were repulsed by the Brez. I treat this community a hell of a lot better than my Youtube or Twitter confrontations. I just think it could have been handled a lot better if there was some communication. If you're going to comment about my AFK, it just seems like you're speaking to the general audience, but you forget that I'm right here. I level'ed up with you and sniffles during this anniversary event, and I read through the chat logs from that period of time when I was kicked. I was active, but I do know what you are trying to say, but I still think it is an excuse to keep things civil.

Just say what it is, you don't like me.
If you Bullshit me, It just makes you seem fake and full of shit.
Everyone who knows me knows that I have a stupid show where I expose bullshit.
I have even dug up perverts on this website that were selling selfies of a girl that had sexted them.
I will not sit here and let my awareness of whats going on here be watered down.
Especially when I have chat logs of roaches flying out of peoples mouths.
I really didn't care until people from your group started dropping out of my games.
It makes it a lot harder for this community to enjoy themselves when people from cursed souls aren't being honest with who they are.


Honestly, I didn't really take part in the decision to much - I'm not saying I didn't hear about it but the decision was largely made by the time I was informed. And yeah I think we could have communicated that better, and I'm sorry I didn't send you a mail explaining things, I just kinda figured they told you why when they booted you. But it's not like they're even wrong bro - you're literally the AFK king, I don't really think that's the perfect reason to boot you either but it's ghost's clan man.

And cmon man I wasn't repulsed by you I was only joking with you bro, and I don't think I even joked like that with you either man. (mainly shillary and russian refences) I like you man, I dont know why you think I don't, I just joke around differently with you cause you put on kind of a troll-ish personality and it feels natural. Anyway hopefully that clears things up a bit - no hard feels bro. [n.n]
How can it be okay for Sniffles and CwT to AFK, but not Brez?
It just seems like a very weak argument to hold over my head.
I want your group to be run how you want it to be run. That is your right.
But at the same time I have the right to defend myself and express my disagreements.
Your team could have handled this privately and I think it would have gone over a lot better than you would have expected.
Your team decided not to, and everything started unraveling and now there is a youtube video.
It would have been much easier to say something like "sorry brez, too weird for us"
or "hey you rub some people the wrong way" But this whole AFK bit is almost like your insulting my intelligence,
because I know that should have nothing to do with being kicked.
For the record, Mew had mused the idea of going rogue and /kicking lobby 1 Campers. But /kicking for lulz is a bit extreme and unfair....(kinda)....M...Must...R...resist urge to tear a page from troll GM's from the past. If PPL wanna make AFKing in a Busy lobby 'a thing'...they should prolly do it in a far less populated and crucial Lobby 11 or 12!! We come here to PLAY...not take up needed space! That said, mew now returns you to your regularly scheduled PSO Drama! <3! *Shares popcorn and Rasinettes* =3
No you're right thats probably not why you got booted, thats just all I heard about it.
Really if you got a problem go ask ghost yourself why you were banned, no youtube video or thread is gonna get his attention since he doesnt pay attention to either; and really YOU could have handled this privately by going straight to him since hes obviously the one who handles all this shit. I don't have time for this dramatic bullshit.
there occasionally comes a time in political discourse when the current offering of parties is not enough to satisfy the needs of the people. idk what happened here, but perhaps it might be time to create your own party (team) and rise to power through a grassroots campaign.

you have my vote in 2020, Brez.
Cursed souls make me crin.nge. Evidently, you star shone too bright for them.
You are welcome to join my team- TeamPoints. We are the 3rd biggest on epihnea, last time I checked.
Under my leadership, you will fulfill your infinite potential.
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