BlueRogues Has Openings

We have about 10 open spots for Team BlueRogues if anyone wants to join. Come help us get ranked on the server by turning in the unwanted Rare Trash! lol heres a little video we made years ago on the Nintendo DS For Phantasy Star Zero great fun! Enjoy! Look for Fox or Muriya in Game i'm always around or message me here if interested

we Currently have about 30 members
Dressing room is open with all Team quests open
We love to help out new people so come join the fun

I would like to join if possible
@Madhatter I plan on playing tomorrow afternoon/tomorrow night. If you haven't been invited by then, we could meet somewhere around then to send you an invite since I am an officer. Not sure where you are located time wise. I am in the chicago/central time zone.
i'm interesting in joining a team. gonna be online for a five or six hours probably starting now. if you see me in block 01 of fodra feel free to tickle me from behind and or also invite me. i love your video btw i downloaded it and put it in my swag folder
I am aiming to get on tonight at 7 chicago/central time. I would get on now but work kicked my butt. I can make a blue rogues room when I get on to join so I can invite you there.
are there still open spots? i've been getting back into PSO again after a decent hiatus and I'd love to have some folks to play with.
@kxyv Yep, there's room. When do you plan to be on again? I am free until next Monday at this point. We could meet up any time this weekend and I can invite you.
a little off topic but its super funny to me i was playing with a friend who just started the game today, i was showing him around and taking pictures and sharing lots of hugs and only after the fact i saw bluerogues members in the back of like every other screenshot lol i was like i probably should have noticed that and interacted with them in some capacity


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Welcome aboard Fairy Made, scootins, jordanman112, Madhatter, and Broken Dream who all joined up within the past week or so. We do have quests that are exclusive to the team that we can try together sometime. I know Windy wants to get us together and try them. I'm going to nap a bit but will be on later probably after the game updates.
Welcome aboard Fairy Made, scootins, jordanman112, Madhatter, and Broken Dream who all joined up within the past week or so. We do have quests that are exclusive to the team that we can try together sometime. I know Windy wants to get us together and try them. I'm going to nap a bit but will be on later probably after the game updates.
Congrats! They seem like a KEEPER~! =3
@kxyv Yep, there's room. When do you plan to be on again? I am free until next Monday at this point. We could meet up any time this weekend and I can invite you.
Sorry for taking so long to respond, I'd forgotten to check the forums. Any time today after around 3:00 PM PST works fine for me. Feel free to contact me via messages if you'd rather sort out the details there.
@kxyv I sent you a direct message.

A couple housekeeping things for the group. First, I am usually hanging out in lobby 21 inbetween doing runs when I am logged in. Second, I also have a discord Atbar8594 if any BRs want to text me to hop on to run. Discord is not really a requirement for this group but would like to have another means of reaching me as Windy and I do text each irl.