Best item you've found


pso winner
Curious as to what everyone's best item that has dropped for you in your PSO life. Could be any version, any server -- private or official SEGA servers.

Just about everybody knows mine. :eek:


Other notables of mine:

55H SoF (ephinea)
Psycho Wand (ephinea)
45H n/m HS (scht)
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I've never found anything nice on DC/GC, or anything of note I can actually remember.

On SCHT way back when:


Here on Eph:


Yeah no matter where I go, machine/hit.


I'm a magnet for these stupid things. I've owned six separate Psycho Wands across every version and server and have never aspired to actually look for one. It keeps fucking happening.

Why is it always Psycho Wand?
Best thing I ever found was a 55H clean HS on SCHTServ.

Don't think I've ever found anything particularly noteworthy other than that on any server.
0/30/0/25/75 calibur
95/0/15/0/0 Diska of Liberator for the memes

also i had a 100/0/0/100/100 Frost Handgun in sandbox mode
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I never get anything good to drop. I guess my best was a Red Handgun on the Gamecube version that had like 25 native, 40 a. beast, and 35 hit or something like that. Probably complete trash compared to all your stuff but I have no luck, not even when my luck is 100 (yes I know that doesn't help lol).
On Schthack I've found Heaven Punisher, Psycho Wand and Sealed J Sword. Since they all are not easy findings I'll just tie them together as one.

As for Ephinea I would say my best find was a 30 hit Heaven Striker
Edit: Also theres the 65 hit Hell Raygun I found as well on here.
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This color is how this topic makes me feel.

Anyway the best thing I've found was a heaven striker with 0 stats IIRC (I want to think it was, cause yeah...) on schthack when I was starting out in 2008 or so. I traded it for 2 pds not knowing just what it was worth.

Can't really complain about that though cause I've done my fair share of ripping people off on purpose (usually attempting to warn people though if I think it is in my favor but I'm not gonna say I'm innocent of this 100%) and not on purpose for the most part in the many years I've played PSO. I've also been robbed in drop trades in my PSO history as well.
65h Demo Comet back on GC.

Pwand on Scht can't remember %s.

PGF on Schtserv when it was a ridiculous drop rate.

40h Yunchang on Ephinea.

Edit: I forgot: 95h King Vulcan on Ephinea =/

Sadly, I've never really found a one-of-a-kind item.
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Its hard to say really after all these years.

Official: I found a HP right before it shutdown. (week or so)
Schthack: I found pgf/rr towards the end of its life.
Ephinea: SJS, Guld, 25h milla (and 2x 0h), Book of HItogata, 60h Charge vulcans, 50h guardianna, 30h HS, 65h Asteron Belt.. Are my ''best'' finds that I can think of.
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I don't generally find a lot of ubers but when i do it's generally great.

My 2nd (and last) RR on shithack was 6 away from max def so i guess it's my best find so far

I still found some good stuff on ephinea like a clean 25h lame 2 PGFs and a 30/0/100/0/0 HS
Can't think of anything better. It will be probably worth being edited when i ll get my RR :D