Leonalmasy Reincarnation of Dracula Gender Male Guildcard 42000782 Jul 10, 2018 #1 (I honestly don't know how much it's worth so yeah) just pm price.
Detourist Detourist#6717 Gender Male Guildcard 42022417 Jul 10, 2018 #2 Keep in mind you also only want it if it's got the Geist special. http://wiki.pioneer2.net/index.php?title=Rage_de_Feu
Keep in mind you also only want it if it's got the Geist special. http://wiki.pioneer2.net/index.php?title=Rage_de_Feu
Miku vocaloid Jul 10, 2018 #3 I got some hitless ones of these with like burning or something. You can have it for 1 PD. Not sure which specials they have though lol.
I got some hitless ones of these with like burning or something. You can have it for 1 PD. Not sure which specials they have though lol.
Ceri0n Member Gender Male Guildcard 42000666 Guildcard 2 42014845 Jul 10, 2018 #4 They are quite good for how cheap they actually are. Of the non-ubers this is the best mech available bar charge/zerk/spirit mechs. They do happen to drop a lot though in certain parts though.
They are quite good for how cheap they actually are. Of the non-ubers this is the best mech available bar charge/zerk/spirit mechs. They do happen to drop a lot though in certain parts though.