Looking for Cannon Rouge with 50% Hit either Clean or with room for A. Beast and Machine. Will pay 1,000 PDs, which is 100 PDs more than the top-end price on the Price Guide.
Bonus: If you have a 55 hitter with the same attributes listed above (or Clean), I'll pay 1,300 PDs, or 1,400 PDs for a 60 hitter. (There's a much larger jump in usefulness from 50 to 55 hit than 55 to 60.)
Your efforts are appreciated! (And well paid!)
Bonus: If you have a 55 hitter with the same attributes listed above (or Clean), I'll pay 1,300 PDs, or 1,400 PDs for a 60 hitter. (There's a much larger jump in usefulness from 50 to 55 hit than 55 to 60.)
Your efforts are appreciated! (And well paid!)
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