B I S C U I T's skins


Hey everyone !

I'd like to introduce here my maps rework/reskin. I'm planning to rework the maps i really like, it's still a project for now because of the time it's taking, but that's something i really enjoy.

Here's the download link (thanks Cashmira !) :

>>> Biscuit's Texture Pack <<<

Thanks to people i can talk about textures with and thanks to team Motherbrain for giving advices about the alpha reworks ;).

In that pack, i've set a little script to help installing textures.
Explanations :
- Script checks if the EphineaPSO is in user folder. If not, exit.
- Script create a folder "Biscuit_Backup" inside EphineaPSO\data\scene to copy the existing files in another folder, named with timestamp.
- Script copy the map files from "maps_to_install" folder to the data\scene folder.

? How to set another "data\scene" folder ?
You can change the "dest" var in script to locate your cutom installation.

? How to use the script ?
1- Find maps in "maps" folder.
2- Copy maps to the "maps_to_install" folder.
3- Double click "install_textures.cmd"

/!\ Not made to copy several sample of the same map at a time. /!\
Only works with "data"scene" destination /!\

map_forest01/02.xvm, map_forest01/02s.xvm,
map_aforest01/02.xvm, map_aforest01/02s.xvm

A refined version of the forest in a finer definition. Less busy, cleaner.
pso133776523811843334.png pso133776525722529251.png
pso133791222146190911.png pso133791225602698122.png
pso133790793310785929.png pso133790793775760815.png
pso133790985514212169.png pso133790986999893822.png
"Winter is coming" they said. Well Christmas too and you need a frozen forest? There it is
pso133782516473762471.png pso133782517934223485.png
pso133791236414570245.png pso133791236867480746.png
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I still have some trouble with the doors and some plants in forest, staying in original colors that i cant modify. If anyone is passing here and have a clue on how to edit, i'll take !
Hey, new maps forest02 (N-VH) and aforest01/02 (ULT) added. A basic version of Frozen forest 02 (N-VH) is now available too. Take care <3