Anyone want to hunt hs?


Not sure if this is the right place for this topic, but I want to hunt hs in WL4. If you have a redria, that's great, and preferably with a good amount of hbr boost, too. I'd like to find someone that is willing to do at least 5 runs a day, around 6-11PM Pacific time, every day the rest of the hbr. I really want to get some good ones of these things. You can be any character class, I'll have someone that'll work well enough with them.

Note: Can occasionally play WL3 Purple or WL5 Pink instead if it gets too boring. I have both of those IDs. Anyway, if anyone is interested, let me know.

Other notes: Great value per minute by doing this. Even a 30 hit hs is worth around 200, even with low to no other stats. And 35+ is more than PDs can even buy it seems. If you don't want a good hs but get one, or are just after more PDs or something, I'll buy it off of you. I can do pure PDs or stuff that you want in addition to some PDs. So it's a very useful thing to just about anyone to participate in this.
Nice thread because that is what I had in mind as well. I am A-rank atm but since your time is pacific time we won't be able to meet. I live in Europe and the time difference is too great. I will be asleep when you start your runs at 6pm local time (which is 3am right here).
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Nice thread because that is what I had in mind as well. I am A-rank atm but since your time is pacific time we won't be able to meet. I live in Europe and the time difference is too great. I will asleep when you start your runs at 6pm local time (which is 3am right here).
Thanks for showing an interest at least. Maybe we could hook up on a weekend or something.

Come on, guys. I have +23% DAR (most of the way to +24%, too), and this is such a high-value hunt. Way more efficient value-wise than hunting things like red ring that is hunted all the time.

Also, @Maverick, just because I have a strategy of feeling about about what people's max bids are, doesn't mean you should get all trolly about it. I never intended to troll or anything, and if you troll me too much, you may burn the bridge completely.