Any way to streamline gambling at coren?


Just wondering if there's any way to make gambling faster. Many times I want to throw 10k at him multiple times but it takes forever. Lol.
I know a few people use AutoHotkey enter macros
You can program xpadder to spam enter same as any technique.

Just be careful because if you hit that button at the shops....
mash A and enter simultaneously, until you get the rhythem of when to stop.
down key + enter - short break to grab item - mash A and enter > down + enter > item > mash > down/enter
do this over and over again until you question the meaning of life and your very existance.
I agree with the OP and one way to implement this would be an option (Boolean variable) to set Coren to always skip the dialog/option where he lets you choose the sum you want to gamble. This would let new players have the full explanatory spiel until they discovered the option.

The rationale for this is as follows:
The acquisition of the meseta is the laborious/challenging component of the gamble and making the dialog excessively laborious does not enhance gameplay.
2) It is illogical for Coren to give players who have gambled thousands with him already the spiel about how he lets them gamble for items etc every time. Clearly they already know him and what he does and he "knows" them and that they know him etc.

Thanks for considering this.

p.s. would Ephinea admins consider the use of autohotkey macros cheating in this instance?
p.s. would Ephinea admins consider the use of autohotkey macros cheating in this instance?

You're allowed to use AHK macros for this kind of stuff.

(otherwise i would have been banned for macroing gallon's shop a long time ago lol)
;; Ctrl+J to start, hold Esc to stop
;; Made by GravitySuitCollector
#IfWinActive Ephinea: Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst
SetKeyDelay, 500, 100

  Loop, 30
   if GetKeyState("Esc" , "P")
    IfWinActive Ephinea: Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst
     Send, {Enter}
     Sleep 1000   ; Allows Coren time to turn towards player
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}   ; Sure/No way
   if GetKeyState("Esc" , "P")
   IfWinActive Ephinea: Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst
     Send, {Enter} 
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter} ; Meseta selection
   if GetKeyState("Esc" , "P")
    IfWinActive Ephinea: Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst
     Send, {Down} ; highlights 10,000 mesta option
     Send, {Enter}   ; selects 10,000 mesta option
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Sleep, 4000   ; Allows for prize to be generated and presented to player
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
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;; Ctrl+J to start, hold Esc to stop
;; Made by GravitySuitCollector
#IfWinActive Ephinea: Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst
SetKeyDelay, 500, 100

Loop, 30
if GetKeyState("Esc" , "P")
IfWinActive Ephinea: Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst
Send, {Enter}
Sleep 1000 ; Allows Coren time to turn towards player
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Enter} ; Sure/No way

if GetKeyState("Esc" , "P")
IfWinActive Ephinea: Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Enter} ; Meseta selection
if GetKeyState("Esc" , "P")
IfWinActive Ephinea: Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst
Send, {Down} ; highlights 10,000 mesta option
Send, {Enter} ; selects 10,000 mesta option
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Sleep, 4000 ; Allows for prize to be generated and presented to player
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Enter}
A copy and paste of the code you provided into an AKH file has no effect when in EpheniaBB. Even simpler scripts, such as:
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

Send {Enter}
Sleep 1000
Send {Enter}
Send {Enter}
Send {Enter}
Send {Enter}
Do not work in PSOBB but do in other applications. Anybody able to suggest a solution to this please?
A copy and paste of the code you provided into an AKH file has no effect when in EpheniaBB. Even simpler scripts Do not work in PSOBB but do in other applications. Anybody able to suggest a solution to this please?
I've never tried any of this, but it sounds like you might not be running AHK as an admin?
I've never tried any of this, but it sounds like you might not be running AHK as an admin?
Ty for the suggestion. I right clicked the .ahk (script file) and selected to run it as admin but it hasn't made a difference unfortunately (the hotkey still works in other applications but not PSO). I'm assuming I don't have to track down a .exe somewhere and set that to run as admin of course.
Hi, it is me, the writer of said script. I compiled it for you. Remember to run as admin. Ctrl+J to start, hold Esc to stop it prematurely.

For future reference, ahk scripts need to be compiled/run as admin to work with PSOBB. You should be able to right click and select "compile script" if you have autohotkey installed rather than in a portable form.

Edit: Kudos should also be given to NDW (mag feeding scripts which helped me in making my own later) and Red (worked with him in designing a script for this purpose). Also, the initial "#IfWinActive Ephinea: Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst" at the start of the script seems to make Blue Burst happier with you....

Edit2: Also, that script will loop 30 times, spending a total of 300k. You will then want to clean inventory/restock meseta after, then run again. Approx 7.5 minutes per run.


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;; Ctrl+J to start, hold Esc to stop
;; Made by GravitySuitCollector
#IfWinActive Ephinea: Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst
SetKeyDelay, 500, 100

  Loop, 30
   if GetKeyState("Esc" , "P")
    IfWinActive Ephinea: Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst
     Send, {Enter}
     Sleep 1000   ; Allows Coren time to turn towards player
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}   ; Sure/No way
   if GetKeyState("Esc" , "P")
   IfWinActive Ephinea: Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter} ; Meseta selection
   if GetKeyState("Esc" , "P")
    IfWinActive Ephinea: Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst
     Send, {Down} ; highlights 10,000 mesta option
     Send, {Enter}   ; selects 10,000 mesta option
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Sleep, 4000   ; Allows for prize to be generated and presented to player
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}
     Send, {Enter}

Send, {Down} ; highlights 10,000 mesta option

If I merely remove the bolded text I assume this runs the 1,000 meseta option and should work? I'm not a coder at all so this is foreign to me. Thanks.
Send, {Down} ; highlights 10,000 mesta option

If I merely remove the bolded text I assume this runs the 1,000 meseta option and should work? I'm not a coder at all so this is foreign to me. Thanks.
For 1k level, just spam enter as fast as PSO can recognize.
Hi, it is me, the writer of said script. I compiled it for you. Remember to run as admin. Ctrl+J to start, hold Esc to stop it prematurely.

For future reference, ahk scripts need to be compiled/run as admin to work with PSOBB. You should be able to right click and select "compile script" if you have autohotkey installed rather than in a portable form.

Edit: Kudos should also be given to NDW (mag feeding scripts which helped me in making my own later) and Red (worked with him in designing a script for this purpose). Also, the initial "#IfWinActive Ephinea: Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst" at the start of the script seems to make Blue Burst happier with you....

Edit2: Also, that script will loop 30 times, spending a total of 300k. You will then want to clean inventory/restock meseta after, then run again. Approx 7.5 minutes per run.
Tyvm for the info and your help with this. I do have autohotkey installed. Compiling, then running in admin and using your #IfWinActive Ephinea... now lets scripts operate when PSO is active.

I am actually looking to do 100k bets atm (even with that much Coren's dialog is a chore) and I'd also like to learn to use Autohotkey, both for PSO and other things. I can't modify your compiled script, so I've copied/pasted the uncompiled version previously posted and changed the loop to 9 and added an extra Send, {Down} (for 100,000, rather than 10,000).

Weirdly the script appeared to stop prematurely when I was testing it - it seems that some ENTER keys weren't registering (this meant the down keys didn't occur at the right time & the 1k option was selected), I suspect because they were too fast for Coren's slow dialog. Now that I've added Sleep 1000 between each Send, Enter, it works. Any advice on how to do this more efficiently (change default time delay between Sends) would be appreciated as I'd like to use autohotkey for other things (e.g. changing entire set of equipped items rapidly; should be doable provided the order of inventory items isn't changed).

Thanks for the help.
(e.g. changing entire set of equipped items rapidly; should be doable provided the order of inventory items isn't changed).

May want to run this by an admin to ensure it is allowed. Mag feeding or shopping is one thing, but scripting for more efficient gameplay that potentially affects other players is another.
May want to run this by an admin to ensure it is allowed. Mag feeding or shopping is one thing, but scripting for more efficient gameplay that potentially affects other players is another.

PSO is a PvE game. There is really no real "advantage" to doing this over another player who doesn't (outside TA play).

Also, macroing to switch equips is simply a crutch, people would be better off just practicing it.
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For me, I don’t see how someone changing equipment faster would affect another player... unless it’s Battle Mode or something, yeah. Seems like a non-issue.
Well TA and Battle Mode, as mentioned, get potentially affected. I don't care personally, it just jumped out to me as something to be careful with and discuss with admins before using.
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Oh, Time Attack! I didn’t think about that. We don’t hold any official TA competitions, though... but I imagine, if we did, macroing would be banned and we’d also need videos and all that stuff.

Also, when I say I don’t see an issue, it doesn’t mean something is automatically approved. One of the other admins or staff could have issues with it. We didn’t even discuss it. I am just stating my own personal opinion on something.