Any Fans of Original Sega Genesis Phantasy Star games?

Phantasy Star 2 was the first game i bought with my Genesis in 1990 (Megadrive in France).
I just loved it ....
That might explain why i am so addicted to the Phantasy Star Licence.
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Phantasy Star 2 was the first game i bought with my Genesis in 1990 (Megadrive in France).
I just loved it ....
That might explain why i am so addicted to the Phantasy Star Licence.
Phantasy Star was the first JRPG series I ever really got to play... I'd gotten a bit of time on some Final Fantasy games that friends had, but as a Sega kid I didn't have much in the way of true JRPG's.

Then I got used copies of PSII and PSIII.

It had everything I liked about the Final Fantasy games, but it made those feel like they were serious games that had been "dumbed down" for kids. (And in a lot of ways they were, especially the versions released in English, thanks to Nintendo.) The games in the Phantasy Star series didn't hold my hand and pamper me through the game; they stared me straight in the eye and told me if I wanted to see the credits I'd have to earn it.

I loved them for that then, and still do now. (Even if PSIV did swing a little to the easier side than 2 & 3.)