All time fav video game heroes/char

NYT Raven

No idea where this thread belongs butt here goes...

So I've been playing with "Pit" often recently n I was jus thinkin it was an old nickname gammertag yada yada, I jus found out that its a legit video game hero he has named himself after and strived to look like, AND I FIND THAT AWESOME aswell as envy him for this!

... Sooo long story short I WANNA DO THE SAME! So I'm reaching out to see if anyone is interested naming some awesome video game heroes/badass characters! Aswell as joining me on this venture!

I'm totally doing this the very sec I choose a hero!
**i dig mewtwo meta knight or greninja, chun-Li wuld look great :P cpt falcon is along time fav but not sure how to get a pso char to resemble him haha

Curious to who your fav. Video game chars are!!
Lavos - Chrono Trigger :3

There used to be a Fomar I played with on GC back on scht that was named Magus, which is also a pretty awesome character from the series.
I tried not to make too obvious a reference with my character's name, and the game is kind of a divisive or polarizing one, so I was hoping mostly people who did happen to appreciate the game would notice the reference... My character can't really be made to look much like the guy though, since I'm playing RAmar :p
Probably MegaMan.exe, in all honesty. :D

I've never made a Character of him though.
Main game hero character I remember making is Haseo.
I have too many of them to single out so I will just say from each game!

Game - Character:

Kirby - Kirby
Mario - King Boo, Lady Bow, Bowser
Zelda - Skull Kid, Ganondorf, Zelda
Fire Emblem - Marth, Ephraim, Eirika, Seth, Black Knight, Ike, Soren, Lute, Lynn, Hector, Eliwood, Roy
Star Fox - Fox, Falco, Peppy, Krystal, Wolf, Andross
Chrono Trigger - Frog
Xenoblade Chronicles - Shulk, Fiora, Dunban, Riki, Melia, Reyn, Egil, Zanza, Alvis, Dickson, Mumkhar
Tales of Symphonia - Kratos

Tis is all I can think of for now!
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I'm surprised you left off Reyn from your Xenoblade Chronicles list. How could anyone not like "REYN TIME"?!
Lol Sodaboy! I was thinking on a empty tummy, skimming thrue as many games as I possibly can while my tummy was growling. But nonetheless, thank you for the reminder. Reyn is too funny. "Man, wha' a buncha jokas!"
Knights of the Old Republic: HK-47
He is iconic in that series and has quite the endearing personality :3

Diablo Series: Deckard Cain
"Stay a while and listen."
Lynx! I forgot all about Deckard Cain. He was one of the best characters ever, his voice was also rather pleasant to listen to so the whole "staying a while and listen" sounds like a rather serene plan to do. Ugh, now I miss playing Diablo II: LoD lol. Tristam runs were the thing.
Definitely Pit and Palutena from Kid Icarus as 2 of my all-time favorites. Pit's just adorable, hilarious in his own way, and has his epic moments, followed by his nice looks. For Palutena, she has the beauty and elegance, and coincidentally both are my mains in Smash.

Then there's Bowser from time to time, as a childhood character.
Just thought some more characters over!

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride - Hero(your character), Pankraz, Madalena, Debora, Nera and Bianca.

Will see if in due time I will recollect more characters from more of my loved games.
I don't know about all time favorite, but I was particularly fond of Haseo from .hack//GU.
Haha love all the posts, ive been gone fer the last couple months.. "destiny taken king" has consumed me. But this thread reminds me how much i miss this community!!

Ive always been fond of auron from FFX... but to do him justice id need sjs... >_<