Advice for classes that don't have freeze traps or lv30 shifta


What's the best way to contribute to a team when playing a class that lacks these tools?
For freeze traps get a snow queen for RAmarl and RAmar. Snow queen is legit and functions as a ghetto freeze trap. The ricochet glitch mechanics are also fun and I’ve seen it freeze a whole screen but idk how, undiscovered tech lol. If your party is lacking in androids you can help a lot you can also use a froozer but it won’t take care of whole waves of enemies. Alternatively you can use an arrest s rank needle. Or a spread needle with high hit.

For HUmar/HUney you can get a 60h blizzard handgun as a ghetto frozen shooter lol. Or a blizzard j cutter (but this is probably too niche to care lol).

As for Shifta just remember you can always just /pk at the beginning of any quest and 4 way PB for lvl 81 shifta if you have absolutely no caster (why don’t people do this it takes 30 seconds lol, use rabarta btw). Besides that HUmar and HUcast can use S Reds Arms which is actually really good.

RAmarl freaking rocks with acting as ghetto FO with Clio. Her level 20 SDZ with the range from Clio is basically as good as a FO in most areas outside of anguish.

All in all just sit back and chill. This game is EZ and at the endgame it becomes a competition to land a hit at all outside fo anguish. Some of the funnest games are things with no Shifta at all sometimes
Frozen shooter imo is far superior. Why? Because single target control. Snow Queen is great but in my experience incredibly horribly unreliable. Even with 45% hit Snow Queen. Yes v501/v502 helps with this. You are also stuck in a slow animation. The animation between Snow Queen and Frozen Shooter I am unsure the time frame is "different" but I am sure that the Frozen Shooter has a faster animation. Frozen Shooter also doesn't necessarily need hit. You can keep shooting and because it's special is a "hard attack" its success/guarantee rate of freezing gets higher with each hit. If you are a ranger you should really get used to the idea of with certain enemies Frozen Shooter, swap to mech guns and delete its ugly ass.

The other thing with RA classes is a Spread Needle. v501/v502 also helps with the success of paralysis and this is another weapon that doesnt need hit (on casts) but on non casts you need hit. But I would still say it is marginally easy. If you are a RAmar/marl Spread Needle is effective.

If you are using a HU multi hitting weapons vjaya, calibur (I think) and so on are really useful. Still recommend having a mech gun for single target use.
The also has a lot of useful stuff to look at for weapons. Example's taken from the wiki;
10 Targets: Sword icon.pngVjaya, Sword icon.pngYunchang, Sword icon.pngFlowen's Sword (3084), Sword icon.pngZanba, Sword icon.pngTsumikiri J-Sword, Sword icon.pngRed Sword
4 Targets: Sword icon.pngES J-Cutter / Sword icon.pngES Slicer (Arrest, Hell, Demon's) Sword icon.pngDiska of Braveman, Sword icon.pngDiska (Charge, Spirit)
3 Targets: Sword icon.pngSlicer of Fanatic
1 Target Multi-Hit: Sword icon.pngBlack King Bar, Sword icon.pngDaylight Scar, Sword icon.pngJizai, Sword icon.pngDouble Cannon, Sword icon.pngMusashi Gun icon.pngRaygun (Charge, Berserk, Spirit) Gun icon.pngVulcan (Charge, Berserk, Spirit), Gun icon.pngM&A60 Vise,

The main thing to try and do is do "DPS" and just knowing when and where to use the correct weapons.
I would recommend asking around; or if you would like to be shown tactics ask around or I can go on for days and give examples of tactics here if you would like.
Learn spawns, know what enemies your class is capable of taking care on your own & which ones you need assistance with.

HUs can oneshot low EVP enemies such as Baranz, Belras, Zu, Mericarol and so on and so forth with Dark Flow which lets your FO & android party members deal with other threats in a given spawn
RAs can still contribute to crowd control with arrest ES weapons & Frozen Shooter & Snow Queen, and has excellent EP2 mob lawn mowing with Hell ES weapons without needing traps to do it.

Learn spawns.

Both HU & RAs can use Demon weapons to weaken (or in some cases outright combo kill tough enemies) - play more & you'll learn what enemies you can handle on your own (Gibbles, Mericus) & which ones are best handled in tandem with android freeze trap coverage (Delbiter, Merikele) if you can't freeze them yourself. Use MAG 1/10 trigger invulnerability to give yourself opportunities to deal damage without worrying about getting hit, especially in EP2.

Learn spawns.