A>Hardcore 0/0/30/25/70 charge raygun (DONE)

V502 x2 - 60 pds
spread needle 25hit - 20 pds
Cannon Rouge 15native 45mashine 25 hit - 60pds
280 pds
total 420
V502 x2 - 60 pds
spread needle 25hit - 20 pds
Cannon Rouge 15native 45mashine 25 hit - 60pds
290 pds
total 430
V502 x2 - 60 pds
spread needle 25hit - 20 pds
Cannon Rouge 15native 45mashine 25 hit - 60pds
300 pds
total 440
V502 x3 - 90 pds
spread needle 25hit - 20 pds
Cannon Rouge 15native 45mashine 25 hit - 60pds
300 pds
total 470
V502 x3 - 90 pds
spread needle 25hit - 20 pds
Cannon Rouge 15native 45mashine 25 hit - 60pds
300 pds
total 470

Based on a recent conversation with @Pain, he decided to let me offer my V502 for 40 PD's, so that bumps up @Loony's offer to 470 + 30 = 500 PD's. Here's my counter-bid to that.

Red Ring [+25/85 DFP | +7/25 EVP] - 70 PD's
Spread Needle +40 [Seize] [0/0/25/0|15] - 12 PD's
Cannon Rouge +30 [Chaos] [0/15/0/0|0] - 6 PD's
Photon Hoard x3 - 297 PD's
Excalibur [Berserk] [0/15/20/0|0] - 15 PD's
V502 - 40 PD's
Photon Drop x15
Total Value = 505 PD's

Last edited:
V502 x3 - 120 pds
spread needle 25hit - 20 pds
Cannon Rouge 15native 45mashine 25 hit - 60pds
310 pds
total 510
V502 x3 - 120 pds
spread needle 25hit - 20 pds
Cannon Rouge 15native 45mashine 25 hit - 60pds
320 pds
total 520
V502 x3 - 120 pds
spread needle 25hit - 20 pds
Cannon Rouge 15native 45mashine 25 hit - 60pds
330 pds
total 530
V502 x3 - 120 pds
spread needle 25hit - 20 pds
Cannon Rouge 15native 45mashine 25 hit - 60pds
340 pds
total 540
V502 x3 - 120 pds
spread needle 25hit - 20 pds
Cannon Rouge 15native 45mashine 25 hit - 60pds
350 pds
total 550