A>Guardianna 50 hit with 55ab/30m (done)


Turns out having a set is too rich for my taste atm.

Reserve: 70pd, when hit the item will be on hold for 72 hours.

Other wants (more of a work in process goals list if anything):
-s-rank Berserk Sword
-Yunchang with 30 or more hit
-Flowen's 3084 sword with 40 or more hit lol.
-restless lion Dark Flow with n/d

-s-rank Berserk Needle
-s-rank Demons Needle
-s-rank Hell Needle
-s-rank Arrest Needle
-s-rank Berserk Launcher
-30 or more hit Snow Queen

-90+ hit rainbow baton cause my 75 hit one is not shiny enough and green is more than a color
-40 hit+ holy ray w/o machine on it
-Tyrell's Parasol with 40 or more hit
-s-rank Hell Cards

-20 or more hit Excalibur
-that xmas 30 hit Vivienne
-60 hit charge diska
-60 hit charge Vulcan
-60 hit hell raygun
-s-rank Zalure Handgun
-s-rank Demons Mechguns
-s-rank Arrest J-cutter
-D.Parts 1.01
-I'm cool with badges still (silver at 5:1, gold at 1:2 still).
-I'm cool with mats like pow (7:1), luck (1.5:1), and hp (8:1) as well (I think those are the rates atm.
-I want ubers as well lol but I'm pretty sure I'm too poor for that.

Some stats on this item to try and help people see why this is a good weapon:
-the final hit of this 50 hit card that really counts (s3) on a rr fomar is about as accurate as a rr hucasey's 50 hit rl dark flow special (h1). Even blind Fomar has no issue making this card do it's job. The ata on the card is equal to a 55 hit charge raygun.
-enemies with around 500 defense (over 90% of the game after being hit with zalure 30 will have less than that but 500 is a nice number) can take easily 2500+ damage from a fomar with the final hit of this card. This card is nicked named mini dark flow or so for a reason. Setting it up is a bit different than df and in general you need two of the nukes to do the job of a single flow swing but if used right this will destroy dangerous foes a lot faster and safer than certain other things fomar has use of.
-it has all the other plus of cards just in general (unlimited vertical range to attack those charging foes, fast attack animations, wider aim radius than handguns and mechguns). Oh and it is a guardianna, one of 2 cards with boosted range (right by handgun)
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I'll bid a BERSERK Launcher (no special), 50 PDs, and a STAHCK of Power Materials.
then u should say 80+ hit

Sorry I thought I was clear on my post about it talking about my 75 hit baton

I'll think on the other bid later. I'm a bit out of it atm mentally and kind of busy.
Peppercat is current high bid. 72 hours from this post now that I've thought about it and am awake some.
well from what I understood pepper said he would grind the launcher for me if I wanted when I asked him if it was grinded...which I do...so I'm adding 2 pd to the value of it due to it needing 160 grinders for a total of 12 cause I'm using NDW's s-rank shop for value anyway of s-ranks anyway. +14 for mat stack and 50 for pd.

So...76 seems fair.

But I have my own personal values so if an offer was offered that I like more I'd take it as current value even if it was worth a little less. I should maybe put a note on my wants on stuff I want more of my wants. I just listed all that stuff more or less to make offering a deal, cause while I want a s-rank launcher and don't mind mats it is a bit of a low wants those two (and the mats were more of a way to make or break a tie breaker tbh).
less than 24 hours left I guess.

Crazy how these cards have been going for so little. People were chatting about spending 200+ pd on a girasole and that weapon is a piece of shit.
less than 24 hours left I guess.

Crazy how these cards have been going for so little. People were chatting about spending 200+ pd on a girasole and that weapon is a piece of shit.

I take a offense to that but to each their own. I'll take my 95h Vulcans over a card and I like to use my TP for techs. When it comes to sacrificial special...Charge > Berzerk > Spirit. Spirit is a dead last.
You take offense to me calling a double saber a piece of shit? Why its not like I was calling you a piece of shit. Just was calling that double saber a piece of shit. Pretty sure I wasn't the only one saying it was a bad weapon in that topic as well. I'm just a bit more direct in it.

Oh and Spirit is only dead last cause 2 of the game's most popular characters have no use for it. If I had have a Humar or Huney with a 100 hit zanba and a 100 hit flowen's my account would chances are be under investigation for hacking but before that happened I'd be using that 100 hit Flowen's far more than I'd be using Zanba. Granted Flowen's averages out to be stronger than Zanba but that is silly to think about when the average damages is down to 6 damage going by an average anyway (and Humar and Huney add far more damage to their swings than Flowen's or Zanba do).

If that example still doesn't work for you cause its on a Humar who's tp use is rather meh and you are talking about a FO who having to spend more is an issue you are worried about I should point out that the average cost to charge it and the cost to use spirit on meseta is actually far more on charge. With an adept you can get around 48 spirit attacks on a card with a Fomar's tp pool IIRC from a table NDW posted at some point. 48 charges will be more than the cost of two trifluids in general. You can lower the cost some more with 2 adepts if you want. If you are still worried about running out of tp I should point out that the average trifluid use from a high level Fomar is about 2-3 in long quests like LMB. If you want to spam this card than the cost will chances go up but even in that quest your odds of running out of tp are pretty low, not when the game drops fluids freely anyway.

As for comparing it to vulcans. A. those 95 hit vulcans are far more rare than this card and I'm jelly. B. damage wise if that is all you care about why use anything else in the game? Charge vulcans beat everything single target damage wise with only weapons like Daylight scar and these cards getting close.

The point of cards is they are safe and quick. They have more range and are easier to set up an attack with them as well. They do things like hit flying foes like Gal Gryphon that vulcans can't reach, stop charging zu, and also hit at a further range falz and olga. Oh and the face nuke, which is what you want to set up with em anyway. I see this as the Fomar's heaven striker more than the Fomar's mini dark flow its been named with. You still will carry vulcans around man. But the tools this card offers certainly makes things more fun and they are certainly better than a girasole as far as single target damage in almost every situation.
I would to throw a valid offer but I am low on PDs due to buying a sphere.

Just worth a shot - would you accepted a Hell J-cutter w/ special and a Swordsman Lore?
I thought about this for a bit now and didn't really want to try and sell an spare Hell J-cutter but I really want a swordsman lore atm.

If the j-cutter is grinded when we sell (so don't grind it up atm in case another bid comes) you can be chb.

And I guess I'm extending this for another 24 hours now

chb is at 75
I thought about this for a bit now and didn't really want to try and sell an spare Hell J-cutter but I really want a swordsman lore atm.

If the j-cutter is grinded when we sell (so don't grind it up atm in case another bid comes) you can be chb.

And I guess I'm extending this for another 24 hours now

chb is at 75
We can extend with a reserve met bid? Wouldnt that just be a winner?
It's a new rule, if a new CHB is announced in the last 24 hours, the countdown becomes 24 hours again to stop auction sniping since it was happening.