Spuz Without rain, nothing grows. Gender Male Guildcard 42002473 Guildcard 2 42002669 Mar 9, 2021 #1 ES Berserk Cards with Berserk Special: Usually costs 40 pds to add special + 25-30 pds for ES weapon. A nice equivalent to Guardiana (as these cards can SNS while Guardiana cannot) CHB: @Ender w/41pds, 13/03/21 @12:'11am [GMT] 48 cd after first bid 24 cd after that Reserve: 5pd Last edited: Mar 13, 2021
ES Berserk Cards with Berserk Special: Usually costs 40 pds to add special + 25-30 pds for ES weapon. A nice equivalent to Guardiana (as these cards can SNS while Guardiana cannot) CHB: @Ender w/41pds, 13/03/21 @12:'11am [GMT] 48 cd after first bid 24 cd after that Reserve: 5pd
Spuz Without rain, nothing grows. Gender Male Guildcard 42002473 Guildcard 2 42002669 Mar 14, 2021 #10 @Ender has won, let me know when you are free