A> 80h Braveman

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Dumb Bird
So. I just found this 80h Diska of Braveman.


Things I like:
Hit Excal/Lame
More Gulds
Hit Milla
Arrest/Demons Needle
Spread Needle
Hit H. Striker
Zanba/Sawd w/ hit
Pwand (lower want, mostly just use Gorth for buffs)
Heaven Punisher(? I guess may as well have ALL THE UBERS as wants. whatever. This would be used MOSTLY to annoy/disappoint Girth)

I also accept Gold Badges (2nd anniversary don't clown me)

Min: 300 pds worth

Buyout: 600 pds worth

Not accepting pure PD's. Really not worth my time.
I guess offer other neat stuff? I mostly play Ranger. I like Hunters too.
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Gizonde has CHB for now.

Zen's offer has a bit more meat to it, but I already have the hell and berserk Sranks I want for now.
On it's own I'd value it a bit less than what's been offered. TJS is pretty dope, but they're not as hilariously hard to find.
While I'm aware that you may believe that the CHB hit the reserve, the bid was ultimately not something that Yata was ready to trade the item for. Items are subjective value, and unless the item is very obviously over the reserve (say, bidding a Psycho Wand on a 100 PD item), I don't think the seller was wrong to pull out here.

Gonna lock this thread... !

For clarification:
  • Be prepared to sell your item, do not back out because you're "unhappy" (remember, you posted what you'll accept selling it for).
Essentially means that you don't back out when there's a bid you're willing to let it go for since then you're screwing over people by saying you'd let it go for that, but then suddenly you don't.

I have changed the wording of that rule to be a little more specific.
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