Dumb Bird
So. I just found this 80h Diska of Braveman.
Things I like:
Hit Excal/Lame
More Gulds
Hit Milla
Arrest/Demons Needle
Spread Needle
Hit H. Striker
Zanba/Sawd w/ hit
Pwand (lower want, mostly just use Gorth for buffs)
Heaven Punisher(? I guess may as well have ALL THE UBERS as wants. whatever. This would be used MOSTLY to annoy/disappoint Girth)
I also accept Gold Badges (2nd anniversary don't clown me)
Min: 300 pds worth
Buyout: 600 pds worth
Not accepting pure PD's. Really not worth my time.
I guess offer other neat stuff? I mostly play Ranger. I like Hunters too.

Things I like:
Hit Excal/Lame
More Gulds
Hit Milla
Arrest/Demons Needle
Spread Needle
Hit H. Striker
Zanba/Sawd w/ hit
Pwand (lower want, mostly just use Gorth for buffs)
Heaven Punisher(? I guess may as well have ALL THE UBERS as wants. whatever. This would be used MOSTLY to annoy/disappoint Girth)
I also accept Gold Badges (2nd anniversary don't clown me)
Min: 300 pds worth
Buyout: 600 pds worth
Not accepting pure PD's. Really not worth my time.
I guess offer other neat stuff? I mostly play Ranger. I like Hunters too.
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