2x experience is in effect until 9/7/2015 20:59 UTC-8

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Staff member
We almost hit 60 connected users online last Sunday, stopped short at 59, but because of that, and because the fact that it's Labor Day weekend, and ALSO because the fact we put you through a lot with bug fixes, restarts and such, we have enabled 2x exp from now until Monday 9/7/2015 @ 20:59 UTC-8. Normal experience will be invoked through a short maintenance at that time.

Take advantage and have a blast, all.
Re: 2x experience is in effect...

Forget that cookie, someone send him a cake.

Hope I can hit lv50 with this ^^
Re: 2x experience is in effect...

Looks like I'm not playing MGSV
Re: 2x experience is in effect...

I was SO confused when I was streaming this a few hours ago because I was like "Wait, 200% EXP!?" But it is very much appreciated. :)
Re: 2x experience is in effect...

Hey! I really appreciate what you are doing with the server and all you've done! But is there any server command or something that I can do to make the double exp just 100% exp? I joined the server to play vanilla phantasy star, not race my way to the top. :P I am not saying there is anything wrong with that I honestly just want to play it normal though. Can you help me and my friend out? :D Thank you so much!
Re: 2x experience is in effect...

MrBlack said:
Hey! I really appreciate what you are doing with the server and all you've done! But is there any server command or something that I can do to make the double exp just 100% exp?
No, there is no command.

You've got two choices, really.

1) Wait until Monday night when exp returns to 1x.
2) Play at half the speed of the other players this weekend. (Not in slow motion, but, you know... in intervals of chatting and playing.)
Thanks for doing this. Makes it a hell of a lot faster for people who hate the grind up to ultimate.
Running Hard mode WoL3 was insane, every monster was like 250 expierence. Went from 47 to 52 lol. I'm loving this, gonna try make most of it with my friends.
The first 2x experience event is over.

Thank you to all that participated.
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