18 years ago today: Phantasy Star Online releases in the U.S.

Definitely the game I spent the most time playing on my Dreamcast. My first Experience with an online game outside of C&C games.

Also the reason I learned to type really fast with one hand.
this game is older than most high school students.

happy birthday to the game we love to hate, hate to love, and keep coming back to over. and over. and over.

....and over.

(and over)
Actually today is the anniversary date for the u.s. release. The Japanese released pso on 12-21-2000 and Europe release was 2-15-2001. For the people who care about that. Happy bday phantasy star online America. Lol
It's hard to believe that much time has gone by since the release of it, I like so many people have a ton of memories from playing most versions of this game. I started out on the dreamcast version which I played online for about a year, I never could get online on the gamecube version due to my internet. Blue Burst is the online fantasy I could only dream of when I was stuck playing gamecube pso offline.
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I bought a Dreamcast, PSO and a keyboard on February 21, 2001 at Future Shop. The receipt is still packed away with the Dreamcast in its box. After purchasing it I remember dad saying something along the lines that the young lady at cash seemed interested in me.
I've been drawn to this series ever since I played Phantasy Star 2 at my neighbors back in junior high. Happy birthday PSO!