Ola been here for a few, have not really started playing yet, guess taht makes me a lurker lol, was leveling my mags for a spell, but going to start now, lookin for peeps to quest and level wit.

Edit:Castz and "Trapz" 4 life oxO
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Ola been here for a few, have not really started playing yet, guess taht makes me a lurker lol, was leveling my mags for a spell, but going to start now, lookin for peeps to quest and level wit.
Eeeeeee!! *POUNCES and looks over playfully~!* A fellow Feline joins the tribe! Take your time dear! MAG raising shouldn't be rushed! Mew'll keep an eye out for you when she returns from house sitting for a friend! What will be your in game name luv? Oh, and Welcome Home!!
Howdy and thanks, making colored rare mags lol, used to play gamecube and a bit of bb, still have my gamecube save ><

pow/dex Dwitri clv71
dex/pow Rati clv52
mind/dex Sato clv51
Pure Pow generic clv32
Pure mind generic

I hunt to feed mags lol
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Are you making a pure mind mag, or a pure mind mag. Because nothing is more fun than banking your mag every time you feed it once.

185 is the max mind without banking, 186 is with about 40 banks or so, and 187 is possible by banking about 200 times. That's what I'm working on right now (along with 5 other mags that will make up my mag team for all 12 classes :D ).

Ooh, and what photon blasts are you going for?
I ussally always do the same ones the dolphon, pillia, and myla and yoke, and banking? think on gc my mind one is 185

I also had a def mag at one point i forget its stats tho was a passion project on a cruppoted memory card
I had a 45 def Bana when I started here. Stayed up hours making that thing. Spin Bana!
I ussally always do the same ones the dolphon, pillia, and myla and yoke, and banking? think on gc my mind one is 185

I also had a def mag at one point i forget its stats tho was a passion project on a cruppoted memory card

I like the same 3, and except for the mind mag I'll be getting them (in the same order) on every mag I make I think.

When you bank a mag, any odd values get rounded down to even values. So if you feed a 1st evo mag one monofluid (5 def, 8 mind), then bank it, the 5 defense gets rounded down to 4. Then you pull it back out, wait for it to be ready to eat again, feed it one monofluid, bank, etc. This is enough to make a 13/0/0/187 mind mag, thought it is the most tedious mag you could make. Quite special though!
Ahh i get you, yeah that would be quite tedious, and a long haul feeding it once per time, sometimes on a mag that casts myl and yoke alot during bosses ill go for the healing photon blast instead.

Saved me a few times when i ran out of healing items
saved a few freinds to heh
Part of the other reason im lving mags trying to get my brother to play ><, we used to stomp around among are freinds on the gamecube, always nice to start off with a mag
The family that Plays together...Stays Together~! But yes! If you can has a decent extra MAG for your brother if he joins....that would make his time and experience here far moar enjoyable! =3
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And so it is done ^^
5/45/50/0 Dwari Plan to finish it out in Dex
5/45/50/0 Rati Plan to finish it out in Pow
5/0/45/50 Sato Plan to finish it out in Mind
Time to go back to work on my pure mags