Get a cheap MP!
CHB: @おむあんomuan w/40pds
Reserve: 25
Initial CD: 48hr from bid: 11/05/2022 @19:53 (UTC)
Reset CD: 24hr from bid:
If not pds, wants are as follows:
Perfect RL First DF
CHB: @TheWombat w/52pds
Reserve: 50
Initial CD: 48hr from bid:
Reset CD: 24hr from bid: 04/05/2022 @13:13 (UTC)
If not pds, wants are as follows:
Get a cheap start on a bringer's!
CHB: @grant w/ 7pds
Reserve: 5
Initial CD: 48hr from bid: 29/04/22 @21:52 (UTC)
Reset CD: 24hr from bid:
If not pds, wants are as follows:
I am too lazy to spend time unsealing to make a profit so I will auction them all for someone else to do so
Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/20|0]
[Untek] Lame d'Argent [0/0/5/0|0]
Lame d'Argent [30/0/15/0|0]
Lame d'Argent [0/0/25/15|0]
Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/25|0]
Lame d'Argent [10/0/0/0|0]
Lame d'Argent...