
  1. EvilUpholsterer

    S> Cannon Rouge (0/30/0/25) 6 PDs

    6 PDs, negotiable.
  2. EvilUpholsterer

    S> For a Limited Time Only! (Ended)

    Going to list the following items for reduced prices, for 7 days only! While stocks last! Terms and conditions apply! Get in quick! All prices negotiable! - Rage de Feu (Blizzard) 0/0/0/0/20 1PD - Ophelie Seize 0/20/0/0/20 1PD - Guilty Light 25/0/25/0/20 1PD - Musashi 25/0/0/0/20 1PD - Snake...
  3. Firkraag

    S> Yunchang [100/0/0/100|40] [SOLD]

    SOLD! Looking for around 600 pd 30-35H Native/Clean Excalibur
  4. Firkraag

    S> 2x Proof of Sword-Saint & Dragon Scale [SOLD]

    POSS is 30 pd each Dragon Scale 5 pd
  5. Lepvelx

    Nei's claw funds store

    Selling everything, feel free to make an offer. I accept PDs (If you have a real Neis claw send me a dm) Gladius [Tempest] [0/0/30/0|0] Calibur +3 [Gush] [0/40/0/0|50] Gungnir +7 [Burning] [0/0/0/0|35] Gungnir +8 [Arrest] [0/0/35/0|50] Gungnir +10 [Freeze] [0/0/0/20|50] Vjaya [Charge]...
  6. brionac

    Hardcore Mode Offers [CLOSED]

    This is a thread that will be updated as necessary to show what I like to buy and sell directly in hardcore mode. Please see my signature to click my first link to find me. To see my normal offers, click here. As I attempt to indicate in each line, the left side is what I offer, and the right...
  7. Lepvelx

    A> Berdysh 95H - Reserve 50 Pds -Done-

    Reserve 50 pds 72 hour initial 24 hour resets after first bid and new chb Bids should be at least, and multiples of 5 pds over the chb. (55, 60, 65, 70, 75, etc)
  8. Lemoneal

    Shop of various things and lemonade

    Hi guys, this is my first shop and actually the first post that I'm making after all this time, well, I want to sell you some items that may or may not interest you but here I am anyway ________________________________________________________________________ You can contact me on this forum but...
  9. Tidus


    A lot of junk here as I'm still just a baby. Looking for PD's/trades. If you see anything you want message me here or in game! Feel free to donate a v502 to me! BANK Kaladbolg [Freeze] [0/0/0/0|0] Flowen's Sword [10/15/0/0|0] Brionac [Soul] [0/15/0/0|0] Vjaya [Charge] [10/0/0/0|0] Diska of...
  10. Lepvelx

    Buy my eggs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    I have 2 event eggs for 1pd
  11. Lepvelx

    Selling some stuff

    -DBs saber x4 -Flowens sword x2 -Blade dance -Photon claw -Hildebear head x2 -Booma right arm x2 -Gigobooma right arm -Photom ticket -Event egg
  12. vri

    B>Galatine, Girasole, Red Sword, Red Saber, Flowen's, etc

    Am buying almost every rare sword for Humar with high hit 50 or plus in the game mostly wanted the ones listed on topic. Also elysion, kaladbolg and DB's swords wanted. I accept trades. Let me know what you have. Thanks
  13. S

    B > DB's ARMOR 3 SLOTS

    Anyone got DB's Armor with 3 slots? i'll purchase for 1pd
  14. S

    B > Yamigarasu

    Buying Yamigarasu for 1pd if anyone has one ^^
  15. GHOSTS

    Data on on selling weapons for meseta to in-game vendors

    A little bit ago, I took some informal notes on what weapons sell best to in-game vendors to pad out your meseta flow. I decided to do some formal testing in Sandbox to get some concrete values. Here are the results of my research. Weapon type As expected, each weapon type sells for a certain...
  16. Esther

    S> Limiter (PDs or Eggs) [Sold]

    Fresh new. 0 kills Priced at 18 PD or 25 Eggs Scarlet (RAmarl) Sassy (FOnewearl) Cinnamon (FOmarl) Rezerabath (HUnewearl) Spirit (FOmar) Hekapoo (HUnewearl) Nexus (FOnewm) Arjinti (HUcaseal) Sheydaz (RAmar) Suu (RAcaseal)
  17. Esther

    S> V101 9PD (Sold)

    There's nothing to see here :3