After some 629 hours of playtime on her, she finally hits level 200. I could have hit 200 last year if I wasn't so lazy, but whatever. I'm glad to have hit it at all. Believe it or not, despite me having played PSO since the DC this is the first time I've hit 200 on a char. <.<
After months of on and off hunting, never once even seeing _a_ Lame drop, things began changing for me a few days ago. I seen my first Eclair. Seen a Lame drop, albeit for someone else. And today, I fucking finally found my own Lame d'Argent drop. The stats are mediocre (0/0/20/0) but it's a Lame.
Was hunting Lame D'argent and stumbled into this. Already sold it for 20 PDs, and I could just buy a Lame or Excal with that kind of money, but I choose not to. The hunt continues.
Soly Fixed the problem by giving me a parsing program to directly import stats from my spreadsheet to the battle param files.
Thanks to everyone who expressed interest in this, but robots have taken your jobs. Time to head home ;3
Every time I exit the game, instead of returning to the desktop, the game stays in a black screen. The only solution is to reset the computer. In fact, just by opening the Ephinea menu and then exiting without playing, my computer starst acting weird and eventually stops responding. Any ideas?