If you want this unsealed and are to lazy to do it yourself then @500ryu currently has this service.
Res: 5pd
Initial bid- 48h Reset
CHB Bids- 24h Resets (CHB 12pd @8:57 BST Friday @Igropeburgers)
0/0/0/30|30 Lame d' Argent
-Minimum bid: 145PD
-Not interested in: Currencies that are not PD/PS.
-Interested in (from more to less): Non-machine & room for native 50H Flowen's, Photon Booster, PD's, feel free to offer.
Countdown: 48 hrs.
Edit: Auction closed after 48hrs.
After months of on and off hunting, never once even seeing _a_ Lame drop, things began changing for me a few days ago. I seen my first Eclair. Seen a Lame drop, albeit for someone else. And today, I fucking finally found my own Lame d'Argent drop. The stats are mediocre (0/0/20/0) but it's a Lame.