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  1. diemildefreude

    Requesting a review of RBR on behalf of many community members.

    You know, my first reaction to this was "I kind of *like* grinding and getting good at one or two quests for the whole week", but I was specifically thinking of Silent Afterimage 2 where I enjoyed learning how to unlock all the secret areas of the quest and showing other party members how to do...
  2. diemildefreude

    B> Branch Of Paku Paku with Very High Hit. 70hit if possible.

    Just remember that you have to use a Chao mag to make the Striker. If you make it at the waterfall it won't keep the pakupaku's stats.
  3. diemildefreude

    Requesting a review of RBR on behalf of many community members.

    I'd be in favor or expanding the quest list. 'Bad' quests like East/West Tower don't even need to be removed if all quests are in the rotation- there will just be some weeks with good/broken quests and some with bad quests and that'd be fine and balanced when seen over a long period of time...
  4. diemildefreude

    Gold Shop 金口店 (Only purchases of 5+PD | 5PD以上の購入のみ)

    Reopened, but only accepting purchases of 5+ PD.
  5. diemildefreude

    GC player hopping in!

    EEEEEeeeeeee~! *Pounces and looks over Sky-san carefully~!* Aaaaaand yet another Old Guard Gamecuber has fallen victim to the Topless Siren's song of 'nostalgia' and washes up upon our little tribe's shore! If you're looking forward to making new friends and family here, you're in luck~! Looking...
  6. diemildefreude

    Upcoming events?

    Thanks for that link. I've been on Ephinea since 2015 but was inactive during Season 1 so this is new info for me. I still only play FO so would need a big incentivr if FO were banned. Interesting concept though.
  7. diemildefreude

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    That's the Item Reader addon showing the amount of kills the Lame d'Argent had before I chose the "use" option to unseal it. Some people with OCD will only buy unsealed items that are exactly at the unseal-requirement (so 10000 for Lame).
  8. diemildefreude

    GC Vet Joining the Community

    95%?! Where did you get this number? I think if you really like PSO as a game, you can put up with the lower n-vh player count and enjoy opm while leveling your first character at least. MaYbE tHaT's JuSt mE tHo. Events and exp week in general bring in more lower lv chars though, I think
  9. diemildefreude

    GC Vet Joining the Community

    n-vh is fun if you want it to be