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  1. G

    New-ish player! Happy to relive my childhood!

    In the Navy, we use Rates and NECs within that rate. I was a Sonar Tech. If I stayed in for 20 I would've tried for acoustic analysis and be on that "Hunt for Red October" level of intel. It's a long story as well, but after 8, decided it wasn't for me I'm probably going to stick with HuMarl...
  2. G

    New-ish player! Happy to relive my childhood!

    I guess this is where we post to introduce ourselves! I played on Dreamcast when this game came out! Played mostly offline because dial-up internet. I had a HuCast, got to 80, kept dying to V.Hard Falz because I would run out of Trimates. I vaguely remember playing as a FoMar on the Xbox, but...