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  1. Ceri0n

    Selfie thread.

    Well, since I have been active for long on this server I'd better introduce myself properly. I am the guy on the right. On the left side there is my wife and my 2 kids are at the bottom. I also read some of the post en the friggin' insecurities people have. It is ok to be insecure about your...
  2. Ceri0n

    PC>DoB 0/0/15/15/50

    Auction it though since it is likely to sell for more
  3. Ceri0n

    Miku's tradelist

    Did that, did not work though :(
  4. Ceri0n

    There is a dearth of quality FOs as of late

    Thinking about this thread, I might be going to post a video on how I fo. I know I am not a bad fo so see it as some guide. I am not saying that I am the best either but I am fine with harsh feedback :). My feelings are not easily hurt
  5. Ceri0n

    Over9000's Not So Good Goodies

    Still got this one?
  6. Ceri0n

    Miku's tradelist

    Unless you still have this beauty.
  7. Ceri0n

    Miku's tradelist

    how much for it?
  8. Ceri0n

    Episode 1/4 Drop Rework

    Fair enough, we'll see when it is going to happen
  9. Ceri0n

    Phoboz's Wares(Updated: 07/05/2021)

    I offer 3 pds
  10. Ceri0n

    Episode 1/4 Drop Rework

    Ofcourse, now I am curious for the new droptable for ep1 and 4 :) . Is a preview available?
  11. Ceri0n

    There is a dearth of quality FOs as of late

    I've been reading the posts now and I agree that people tend to be quite resentful towards feedback. However, I feel this is not just this game but the general state of being nowadays. People feel like they are offended quickly no matter where you go. It is everywhere. There is nothing you can...
  12. Ceri0n

    S>A few weapons (Lavis, 35h Guardianna, 30h SoF, HS, and more...)

    Lavis + sof please :) . 16 pds?
  13. Ceri0n

    S>Neat Stuff - Now with POSS for 23PD

    Well... I can offer you 45 pds for the ophelie.
  14. Ceri0n

    S>Lavis Cannon - 10pds (closed)

    Did you already sell the Lavis Cannon?
  15. Ceri0n

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Yes there is, I have a lvl 200 fomar and it is my favourite... MST is overrated though so start with as high atp as possible... you can max both out though when you are high enough in lvl. Just PM me for more info
  16. Ceri0n

    Psycho's deranged unsealing service

    I have got 4/5 lames for you to unseal... (don't want to keep switching excal per character) it does not have to be ready in 48 hours, it is k if it takes a week. You still doing this?
  17. Ceri0n

    Episode 1/4 Drop Rework

    I could not have put it together better than that.
  18. Ceri0n

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    A few games after the SJS find by Eis, I found this gem :) . I am a pretty happy bunny now since I have been wanting this one very badly. I'm sorry you can't see the banner but on my dropchecker you can see it is a Heaven Punisher. It only took me about 109 runs of CCA, (way less than some...
  19. Ceri0n

    What's good Ephinea?

    No fan here (yet)(idk your music yet but just googled you). What can I say, welcome!