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  1. .Kuja

    Well i played always with the same gen3 team relaying on the element of surprise and the hipster...

    Well i played always with the same gen3 team relaying on the element of surprise and the hipster factor but it has a lot of flaws and i don't play with other teams so i'm not really good. I had another really cheese team i actually invented back on the day, strong af, but it is illegal (species...
  2. .Kuja

    Just lost a pokemon battle online after... 5 years withouth playing? more? Not sure, but i'm...

    Just lost a pokemon battle online after... 5 years withouth playing? more? Not sure, but i'm glad i remembered my gen3 team
  3. Finally getting back on form after 1 year+ without playing

    Finally getting back on form after 1 year+ without playing

    league of legends
  4. .Kuja

    Electronic ♫ Playlist

    Hey, Given that lately i've been spending a lot of time here on Ephinea i thought of sharing this with you. Is a not-too-long electronic music playlist on Youtube i did a while ago. ► E69 If you also want to share a playlist here you're welcome to do it.
  5. .Kuja

    Lmao. I'm kinda joking, but also kinda worried about how dependant on technology and how...

    Lmao. I'm kinda joking, but also kinda worried about how dependant on technology and how lackluster basic "life" skills some people have nowadays.
  6. Gael Giel Swag

    Gael Giel Swag

    Now maybe someday i'll raise Tellusis/Agastya for my HUne
  7. .Kuja

    you're one of them xD

    you're one of them xD
  8. .Kuja

    My "little" sister (20) is afraid to light a match. How's she gonna survive life? #KidsTheseDays

    My "little" sister (20) is afraid to light a match. How's she gonna survive life? #KidsTheseDays
  9. .Kuja

    PC> Excal 0/0/0/0[0]

  10. .Kuja

    Kuja's Synthesis Shop (05-JULY-07)

    NEW items added. Some items bought/removed from the list.
  11. .Kuja

    Kuja's Synthesis Shop (05-JULY-07)

    Hey. I have 2 Smartlinks and 1 Star Amplifier. I'll be avaliable for trade on about and hour and from there pretty much all day.
  12. .Kuja

    B> Master Raven (Closed)

    Offering: •8PD or •Last Swan or •25H Holy Ray
  13. .Kuja

    Yes, i do about 900+ with a Yas Hard attack, while doing 520+ with HS; also as Yas hits more...

    Yes, i do about 900+ with a Yas Hard attack, while doing 520+ with HS; also as Yas hits more times it has more chance to crit. HS is better for multi-mode, zerk special and handgun animation tho. I have yet to try Dual Bird.
  14. .Kuja

    Just talking about clearing speed. Right now i kill an Astark with 6 HS hard attacks, while Y9K...

    Just talking about clearing speed. Right now i kill an Astark with 6 HS hard attacks, while Y9K takes only 3. So i think Dual Bird which has even more ATP than Y9K will be even faster.
  15. .Kuja

    Once i got more ATP on RAmar, Yas9K are killing mobs faster than HS. Guess i'll get Dual Bird...

    Once i got more ATP on RAmar, Yas9K are killing mobs faster than HS. Guess i'll get Dual Bird, probably the more suitable weapon for me.
  16. .Kuja

    Me gasté 45 tickets y 12k lapis en el Tidus banner, o sea que me salieron como 5 rikkus xD

    Me gasté 45 tickets y 12k lapis en el Tidus banner, o sea que me salieron como 5 rikkus xD
  17. .Kuja

    I GOT TIDUS! Using the guaranteed 4+ ticket from the Mog King raid event, damn, so happy xD...

    I GOT TIDUS! Using the guaranteed 4+ ticket from the Mog King raid event, damn, so happy xD.
  18. .Kuja

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I remember i read somewhere that 100 LCK (talking about the player) was equal to about 20% crit chance, and that seems about right from what i've experienced. But Dorphons don't feel like 12%, maybe is a psychological thing... Anyway, thanks for the answer, pretty on point.
  19. .Kuja

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Somebody knows what are the actual critical hit ratios of enemies? would be cool to know, cuz i feel Dorphons crit me everytime, same with rappies, rappies are some bloody savage creatures...
  20. .Kuja

    Better Late than Never, Hello!

    I just finished reading a book where one of the characters is named Julián and he was pretty badass. Welcome to Ephinea