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  1. Bliz

    Ephinea Summer Event

    Did anyone figure out how hit% works with The Hunter? What are the odds of hit when gambling? the hit range? Is it true that guaranteed hit is a lower amount than random hit?
  2. Bliz

    Summer Event Ending October 1st

    Thanks so much for the event! I left a detailed post about it in the feedback thread. I've got two questions though: 1. The milestone killcounter has stopped, but are you still currently able to add to your killcounter for the killgates? For example, if you don't have 15k kills now but you get...
  3. Bliz

    Ephinea Summer Event

    This is kinda lost in the QQQA thread so I'll post it here. All badge shops and items:
  4. Bliz

    Event Feedback Thread

    I kinda wanted to make a post like this, so it's pretty convenient that you guys did! Here's my thoughts. I didn't participate in Halloween or Easter, so I'll skip those. Both Events Do you agree with the way ubers are handed out in Christmas/Summer? Yes. Honestly, this is one of my biggest...
  5. Bliz

    Ephinea Summer Event

    I'm gonna make a longer post about everything I liked and disliked regarding the event once the extension is concluded, but here's a preview: I LOVE THE SCAVENGER IT'S THE BEST THING ABOUT THIS EVENT THANK YOU WHOEVER CAME UP WITH IT
  6. Bliz

    Ephinea Summer Event

    I don't think the cell is in the game yet? I might be wrong though...I remember when the shops were updated, the mag itself rather than the cell was put in because the cell wasn't done being made yet, but it could've been finished and patched in since then.
  7. Bliz

    Ephinea Summer Event

    I know skins can recolor it, I was just wondering if I need to make sure I use the cell on a pink mag if I want an original look elenor, or if I can just use it on whatever color mag.
  8. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Is this chart an accurate feeding chart for Elenor mag on this server?
  9. Bliz

    Ephinea Summer Event

    Is the Elenor Mag Cell we're getting (probably) tomorrow a new item for this server? What are the mag requirements for using it on one? And Elenor is always pink regardless of the celled mag's color, right?
  10. Bliz

    Ephinea Summer Event

    When exactly does the event end? What time on the 24th?
  11. Bliz

    I want YOU! To join Hardcore

    If that's the playstyle you wanna go for then go for it! I have nothing against true hardcore in general, I play hardcore now and again in various other games - while I enjoy the permadeath aspect too, there are a combination of two aspects of PSO that keep me from trying no-scape hardcore: 1)...
  12. Bliz

    I want YOU! To join Hardcore

    Gosh. I wouldn't do this unless they made mags way easier to feed or something. Ultimate has so many instant-kills and basically-instant-kills in it.
  13. Bliz

    Trypophobia-Friendly Subterranean Desert

    This is just a simple texture mod that fills in the hives in Subterranean Desert 2, for the benefit of those players who may have Trypophobia. Simply put this file into the /data/scene folder of your PSO installation and let it overwrite.
  14. Bliz

    Episode 4 Drop Table Update

    Honestly I appreciate the difficulty of "maxing out". It's not like you need ubers, all the great gear you need to perform well is obtainable without extreme effort. It's cool for there to be some special lottery-rate items that you can keep as a dream goal, and have an awesome freakout when it...
  15. Bliz

    B> Mag, with some requirements (level 50 ok!)

    Actually I'm pretty sure it is possible, I think Spuz has a mag feeding plan for it? Spuz was talking about doing it anyway so I might just have him try his idea, if you're struggling~ Thanks for offering to help though! EDIT: oh I might've miscalculated when we looked into it before, it might...
  16. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think that mag cells can be used on any mag that isn't a rare mag, regardless of level. If you had a 3rd evolution level 200 mag, you could use the Liberta Kit on it, but I don't think you can use it on any level Diwari since it's a 4th evolution mag. This server...
  17. Bliz

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    I don't suppose you could maybe upload it yourself, since you still have it? It looks great~
  18. Bliz

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    That's a sweet look, though also that Agastya skin raises a lot of questions for me @_@ I didn't know you could modify the wings like that?? I'm not even sure how to use an .afp file that the skin seems to be, much less open it and look at it myself.
  19. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    It's only from events, but luckily, there's an event currently going on - you can buy one in the summer shop for 10 Gold Badges.
  20. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Why is Reduced Demon's considered bad? I was reading this post by NDW... So, Unreduced Demon's reduces life by 75% whereas Reduced Demon's only reduces it by 25%. However, Demon's also has a 50% activation rate. So, the Demon's Laser combo is likely to do either 75% or 94% of the target's...