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  1. phantasystarved

    Very good platformer game you should try!

    That feeling when you're going to say something, scroll down, and see someone else that already said that exact thing in this case @Miho But yes, I second Hollow Knight and Cave Story is a classic, now. I'll throw in Rogue Legacy, then. It's a bit of an oddball of the metroidvania genre but an...
  2. phantasystarved

    I have stopped forcing myself to play / finish games I don't enjoy.

    Hi Ade and friends... I shared a lot of your experiences for very similar reasons. I have a habit of really throwing myself into games to squeeze every last bit of juice out of them, which served me well through my twenties and into my early thirties, maybe. But now... I just don't have the...
  3. phantasystarved

    Tool Shop Update

    Thank you so much. I had to always waste half a dozen slots in my personal and shared banks to make sure I had quick access to these items. I sometimes even had to feed mags using the PW4 vending machines because the shopkeepers were refusing to stock what I wanted.
  4. phantasystarved

    Maximum Attack E Feedback

    Also loved these quests (thus my earlier plea to keep them despite knowing what the answer would be!) I didn't dislike any of them, and actually I really liked Caves unlike some others here. The Lilies were easily dispatched, even solo. Would love to see a special currency based on bite-sized...
  5. phantasystarved

    The Anniversary Event Thread

    You know, the MAE quests are a lot of fun, and I wouldn't mind seeing them stick around, minus the badge rewards of course.
  6. phantasystarved

    vote on my foney's secid

    voted Oran because it was an underrated Force ID back in the day and poo on Pinkal having PoM, it's forever Oran exclusive in my heart and my Gamecube
  7. phantasystarved

    Thank you for your kind words on the shoutbox! Another Ash & Kireek video has been halfway done...

    Thank you for your kind words on the shoutbox! Another Ash & Kireek video has been halfway done for a year now, I should finish it after the anniversary event. Thanks again :)
  8. phantasystarved

    Definitive Material Plan Guide

    Thanks for taking the time to make this - I've been using it all the time. May I add this info to my ever-expanding public spreadsheet? Edit: Never mind, I'll just use the spreadsheet calculator and do my own calculations since I have to make builds for the Gamecube as well. Also, the "min-max"...
  9. phantasystarved

    EXP Curve Adjustment

    Ok, what about a /vhboost command that toggles a personal extra 1x xp multiplier if you're between level 40 and 79. Everyone gets what they want that way.
  10. phantasystarved

    EXP Curve Adjustment

    I mean, you guys do what you want. Thanks at least for asking our opinion before making a change - that's part of the reason why this is my favorite server for Blue Burst. But I fail to grasp this concept of, "We need to save these new players from the early grind so they don't leave." If...
  11. phantasystarved

    EXP Curve Adjustment

    Not saying I don't like or want the ultimate toys, I'm saying many of us don't rely on them to have fun. And I wasn't singling out S-Ranks... all uber gear can make early game content trivial and boring. The reason why it's boring when power-levellers do this is because they don't care about...
  12. phantasystarved

    EXP Curve Adjustment

    Voted no, even though this change would benefit alt-aholics like me more than anyone. First off, I really don't see what's so difficult about getting to level 80. Secondly, people are saying it will be less of a grind for newbies, why lie to them? lol. PSO is all about grind. If you don't find...
  13. phantasystarved

    Adjust or remove traps for "Rescue from Ragol"

    Hi, guys. Really small quick request here, if I may. Rescue from Ragol is a one-player Episode 1 quest, under the Retrieval tab, I think. Anyway, on Ultimate, the traps in the Caves were one-shotting a lv113 Hunie, so they do at least 800 damage. I still wouldn't have an issue with this except...
  14. phantasystarved

    Dark Falz HP didn't reset after my death

    Hi guys! So... while soloing TTF I screwed up when fighting Dark Falz on Ultimate difficulty, and I got four-hit by his silly Gibarta on his next-to-last form and died. No prob, that's why I leave a safety pipe up! So I warped back, killed the Darvants... and then his first form died to one...
  15. phantasystarved

    Selfie thread.

    When I'm not playing PSO I do other manly things like this. P.S. Have a Merry Christmas, everyone!
  16. phantasystarved

    Girth's Quests Enemy Counts

    Just pointing out for those who those who are new/unfamiliar/haven't read the in-game quest description that these all have a boss as well. (Barba Ray: 1 for LSG, etc.) I know it seems obvious but for some people this may be the first time they're learning of these quests sorry
  17. phantasystarved

    Some concerns about Ephinea

    I will give up my Last Swan when they pry it out of my cold, dead fingers Don't make me do it I will unequip my mag and saturate every thing you target with a hail of spitwads That's what I thought
  18. phantasystarved

    Hallo Rappies and Pioneer Halloween Activated

    I first watched that movie on a tiny 11 inch black and white TV in my bedroom at age eleven or something.
  19. phantasystarved

    Hallo Rappies and Pioneer Halloween Activated

    Holiday Rappy mag cell info, in case anyone needs
  20. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    My spreadsheet has enemy counts for the original four quests in Episode 1, but I haven't had time to go through the others yet.