Search results

  1. YOmap

    PC> Max Def Standstill Shield

    213 def
  2. YOmap

    About Inventory Readers

    I'm glad this has been brought up.
  3. YOmap

    A> 50h Bringers Rifle

    Reserve = 60pd value Buyout = Photon Sphere or 99pds Looking for PDs or gold badges.
  4. YOmap

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    10% hit??
  5. YOmap

    B > Berdysh with +Hit (CLOSED)

    Ive got a clean 35% Hit I'll sell for 2pds.
  6. YOmap

    NDW's Mag Farm/S-Rank Shop/Unsealing Services

    Limiter and 10pds to unseal.
  7. YOmap

    PC> 50h Bringers Rifle

    Just wondering.
  8. YOmap

    B> Stink Frame Def:90+ Evp:35+ (CLOSED) Max Stat Virus armor achieved TY

    @honeydrew I believe he may have one.
  9. YOmap

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

  10. YOmap

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    thats sick.
  11. YOmap

    PC> Badges?

    Is it too early to price check these? just wondering whats opinions are since the higher tier weaps are gone. Most valuable thing now is Photon Sphere.
  12. YOmap


    I'll take a black Mind sato..I'll be online all day today. Just PM me when u get online.
  13. YOmap

    Cwood's Mag Shop: LV 200 Sato, Nidra, Rati, Kama, 185 Mind Mags!

    I'll take a black Mind Sato
  14. YOmap

    Section ID changes are over

  15. YOmap

    PC> x/x/0/0 35H Tyrell's Parasol

  16. YOmap

    S> Cent/ Abil x2

    new topic
  17. YOmap

    Best item you've found

    40/0/0/40/60 MKB It was a beast when sphered.
  18. YOmap

    S> Cent/ Abil x2

    Cent/Abil = 7pd only needing PDs.