Search results

  1. YOmap

    0/0/0/30/40 Zanba (CLOSED)

    So I bought this and didn't realize it was male only (I play hucassy, lol) so gonna auction this. Reserve - 75pd Buyout - 125pds Wants 40%+ Hit Tyrells Parasol PDs Gold Badges 70%+ Charge Raygun Auction will end 72hrs after reserve is met.
  2. YOmap

    So who else is suffering from the heat?

    So who else is suffering from the heat?
  3. YOmap

    S> Hit DLS, Zanba & more

    each one is worth 20+ gold....just informing ya :)
  4. YOmap

    PC> Guardianna 0/55/30/0|50

    Id rather use vulcs on my fomar...specially using tp
  5. YOmap

    PC> Guardianna 0/55/30/0|50

    Confirmed by triple hits on the last throw if ur close to an enemy. I guess it would be effecfive on Fonewm with MG+/Adept build.
  6. YOmap

    PC> Guardianna 0/55/30/0|50

    Does it triple hit the enemy on the last throw?
  7. YOmap

    PC> Guardianna 0/55/30/0|50

  8. YOmap

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Nice % on the flowens swords.
  9. YOmap

    The Anniversary Event Thread

    Once I saw Girasole was on the Hunter list, I knew I have to get a ton of gold. Thankfully I was able tp trade for a 50% Hit one and sphere'd the native to 100%. My Girasole nightmare hunt is over.
  10. YOmap

    PC>Bunch of stuff

    HP = 300pd Ignition Cloak = 3-4pd SoF = 50-60pd HS = 120'ish?
  11. YOmap

    YOmap's Shop

    In about 3.5hrs.
  12. YOmap

    Zanba 0/0/0/30/40 - 105pd

    I'll buy this. 105 PDs Meet later today?
  13. YOmap

    YOmap's Shop

    it is up for auction now. Had multiple people interested.
  14. YOmap

    YOmap's Shop

    1pd or 6 silver.
  15. YOmap

    YOmap's Shop

    ------- ALL Non-Rare Weapons are 2PD UNLESS PRICED ALREADY 001 Gladius [Arrest] [0/0/0/0|50] 002 Gladius [Gush] [0/0/0/0|50] 003 Gladius [Hell] [0/0/0/0|50] 004 Gladius [Gush] [0/0/0/0|50] 005 Gladius [Hell] [0/0/0/0|50] 006 Gladius [Hell] [0/0/0/0|50] 007 Calibur +5 [Demon's] [0/0/0/0|50] 008...
  16. YOmap

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Hunter was finally nice to me.
  17. YOmap

    Bad damage at 106

    -Increase your atp -don't use mechsguns unless they have charge
  18. YOmap

    Quick question - Quick answer

    How long will the badge shop be around after the event ends?
  19. YOmap

    PC> 50/0/0/35/45 MKB

    A-U-C-T-I-O-N I'd say like 50pd.
  20. YOmap

    A> 80h Braveman

    Be prepared to sell your item, do not back out because you're "unhappy" (remember, you posted what you'll accept selling it for).