Search results

  1. Varista

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    I've been hunting Sacred Cloth on Ang10 for a few days now. I found one finally, it dropped as: DFP: 148/150 (near max) EVP: 54/70 (min stat) 4 slots Very happy with this.
  2. Varista

    B> Large Bounty for 50h Cannon Rouge (see details)

    Wow dude that's a lot of moolah for this thing! I hope you find it yourself before having to pay out bank, but in case you don't, I'm sure its more than worth the money for you. Good luck!
  3. Varista

    Ephinea 8th Anniversary Summary

    I posted this on the rare findings thread but I'll just post about it here along with some other things. My total experience/levels gained: I went from 130 to 153, which skyrocketed me. My best find: Probably my frozen shooter. it has no hit, it has 60 machine (lol) but ultimately I guess that...
  4. Varista

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    I logged in for the first time in a long time about a week ago to experience the Anniversary event and I only had a measly 10 PD's at the time and the best thing I had was a Glide Divine. I was Level 130 at the time. I'm now 153 and I have obtained enough photon drops to buy one of the most key...
  5. Varista

    Game update v1483 released (ゲームアップデート v1483)

    I'm sure if other players aren't happy about the changes they too can speak their minds on it here just like you have, and you're the only one I've seen react so negatively to changes to a dedicated HARD MODE that makes the game actually harder to play. I'd stop speaking for other people and...
  6. Varista

    Game update v1483 released (ゲームアップデート v1483)

    I'm very happy to hear that a variant of the previously suggested Maricarol fixes are still on the table. I hope that you can get them to a point where people approve of them.
  7. Varista

    Miku's new Anguish analysis (v1482)

    You had me at farming PD's on A3
  8. Varista

    What's the best section ID for each class?

    If you pick Oran
  9. Varista

    Miku's top 7 ways to be more efficient

    Legitimately cool information about Anguish mode. I had no idea that it forces Pattern 3 and 4 for the early and later half of the game. I always thought that it was just a game type that increased stats and raised reward possibilities. Knowing that it forces the two best patterns in the game...
  10. Varista

    Introducing... Classic mode! (クラシックモード実装のお知らせ)

    Officially yes, but this is why I said with a little bit of tweaking they could be placed in line with the rest of the Episodes and it wouldn't be too much better. Perhaps it'll get added later..
  11. Varista

    Introducing... Classic mode! (クラシックモード実装のお知らせ)

    An interesting feature to say the least. Kinda wondering, since I was working on a project of a similar Calibur myself before I was derailed into real life projects: why did you decide to exclude the areas and enemies of Episode IV? I can understand removing the items (top complaint) but it...
  12. Varista

    Extending the olive branch to Schtserv?

    Then you'd think people would be mature enough to actually interact with me themselves instead of acting like 3rd graders and believing everything their friends tell them.
  13. Varista

    Extending the olive branch to Schtserv?

    Imagine telling people not to slander me while simultaneously slandering me and allowing others to do so because it fits a narrative you actively support. Half these people I've never even met and are saying bad shit about me. Weird how that works out. Edit: I saw matt saying i got banned off...
  14. Varista

    Extending the olive branch to Schtserv?

    I bet you would never know that and the fact that you're even complaining about it is troubling to me. Not to mention going into the GC discord and defaming my character over a "dead and pointless server". Cant be so dead and pointless if you're willing to attack me over it. I have nothing else...
  15. Varista

    Extending the olive branch to Schtserv?

    You're basically going half way there and half way back on the items so might as well go the full mile. There's so many broken and unfriendly items that if you'd do that you're essentially deleting most of the last 6 years from the game, you might as well just do it completely. A lot of people...
  16. Varista

    Extending the olive branch to Schtserv?

    To answer what Sodaboy said about rebalancing our broken items: I agree and it was the initial thing I was going to do but the problem with it is that there'd be too many weapons and items to have to rebalance altogether. The ultimate downfall is that everything is too powerful. The items...
  17. Varista

    Im worried about the future of this server.

    I find it hard to believe that personally given the amount of changes that have been introduced. It's hardly just a vanilla recreation with "a few tweaks" anymore. I think you'd be greatly underselling one of Ephinea's greatest selling points to advertise it as such. I would refer to it as the...
  18. Varista

    Pick 3 SIDs

    It's got the best of everything.
  19. Varista

    Pick 3 SIDs

    Yellowboze, Yellowboze, and Yellowboze. Yellowbois supremacy baby.
  20. Varista

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    It's not a failure or not found until you give up Ade.