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  1. Lileya

    Maximum Attack E Feedback

    I loved all the quests. It's hard to pick favorites because I really liked them all, none of them felt boring or awkwardly put together (so no least favorite). I guess if I had to choose my favorites were Mines, Spaceship, Seabed, Temple and Desert. I'm gonna miss them, they were a lot of fun...
  2. Lileya

    Lileya's custom mag shop [CLOSED]

    What color would you like it to be? Oh and you're slightly overpaying (I just realized!), custom mags are 5 PDs, so that's 3.3333 PCs, so we could do 3 PCs and 1 PD if you'd like, unless you absolutely want to pay purely in PCs. PM me when you can meet to give me the mag cell. (once the...
  3. Lileya

    S>Material "Min-Max Build" mags for HUct, HUcl, RAct, RAmr and RAml

    All sold out! That was quick.... >_> I'll make more soon. :) Contact me if you need a mag:
  4. Lileya

    S>Material "Min-Max Build" mags for HUct, HUcl, RAct, RAmr and RAml

    If you don't mind paying 5 PDs for a lvl171 mag, it's yours. :)
  5. Lileya

    S>Material "Min-Max Build" mags for HUct, HUcl, RAct, RAmr and RAml

    It's currently lvl171. I will bring it to lvl200 for you, but I need to know what you'd like as final stats at lvl200. What kind of character is the mag for? If you want it as is, it's fine with me but I'm offering to bring it to lvl200, its part of what you're paying for. ;)
  6. Lileya

    S>Material "Min-Max Build" mags for HUct, HUcl, RAct, RAmr and RAml

    I should be back home in about an hour. I'll PM to see if you're available then. :)
  7. Lileya

    S>Material "Min-Max Build" mags for HUct, HUcl, RAct, RAmr and RAml

    What are final stats? Do you plan on applying a cell to it? If so, can you provide it in advance? Are you sure? I don't mind bringing them to 200 for you (even more if you got a cell D: ). If you want as is, I'll charge you 9 PDs instead of 10 then.
  8. Lileya

    S>Material "Min-Max Build" mags for HUct, HUcl, RAct, RAmr and RAml

    /bumping 3 new ones created.
  9. Lileya

    Lileya's custom mag shop [CLOSED]

    Nah, all sold out on the Nidras, but he PMed me, so thank you for sending him my way. ;) Payment on the Sato can wait, no problem. :) I'll look for you online this week.
  10. Lileya

    B> Heavenly/Battle

    @ElenorCamuel (I'm too lazy to scream for you upstairs.)
  11. Lileya

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    After killing more than 2,500 Zus (including 1,200 since last night), finding 4 Swordsman lore, having 6 other people find a V101 in her game in less than 24 hours, sleeping about 4 hours last night and spamming MAE Desert endlessly since yesterday after she got out of work, @ElenorCamuel...
  12. Lileya

    Lileya's custom mag shop [CLOSED]

    Back to normal delay for mags production (maximum of 1 week and average of 3-4 days). Thanks for your patience! :D Edited first post.
  13. Lileya

    B > D.Parts 1.01

    Is a hug fair? D: I was told it's best offer!
  14. Lileya

    The Anniversary Event Thread

  15. Lileya

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Hmm... I wonder who that friend is. :blobthinking:
  16. Lileya

    PC> Chain Sawd 0/30/30/0/60

    Nah, I'm good. XD Or maybe I'll charge you an "optional upcharge" of 40 PDs on top of the 30 PDs! ;)
  17. Lileya

    Seeking help in ultimate

    All you need is to clear 10 MAEs on Ultimate as each MAE cleared on Ultimate gives you a silver badge at the end. Then you can convert 10 silver badges for 1 gold badge at the anniversary badge shop. Feel free to join my MAE games (characters are in signature), I run opened MAEs all the time...
  18. Lileya

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    It really seems that's how the RNG works in this game. It took me forever to get my first v502, then it started raining v502... I got 3 others without looking, same for my wife and I saw a couple more dropping in random games I joined. Then the same thing happened with v801... *shrug* It's most...
  19. Lileya

    S > S-parts Ver2.01(closed)

    I'll take it. Are you available right now?
  20. Lileya

    PC> Chain Sawd 0/30/30/0/60

    Really, that much? O_o Hmm, maybe I'll consider it then, I figured I'd get 30 PDs top. Nobody uses Chain Sawd.