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  1. tofuman

    How would you feel about a new Phantasy Star game dropping in the west?

    Sega wont bring bring any PS MMO to the west. That doesn't mean it would never come to the west it just means Sega wont fund it. It just needs an EU/US company to pick it up like they did in SEA . Unfortunately I can't see any company in the EU/US doing this.
  2. tofuman

    PSO Remake?

    Although I'd love to see this finished. I doubt it'll happen. Especially with only a small team. The amount of work to get a fully functional client would take a team years. There's many things that occur in PSOBB that the player isn't aware of and its only when you reverse the client function...
  3. tofuman

    Graphics Artists Needed for Ephinea Posters

    We're not ex-hackers. We just have skills in reverse engineering and programming. Of course we could use these skills to hack but we don't and wouldn't. That being said I'm not sure promotion via paper would work as well as a post in a facebook group for instance.
  4. tofuman

    This is incredible...

    There's no need to donate. Although we would appreciate spreading the word of Ephinea and PSO. Thanks.
  5. tofuman

    Cannot Change Resolution in "More"

    It's not ideal but you could try connecting a monitor to your VGA/DVI/HDMI/DP of your laptop and toggle so its external monitor only then launch the additional options it may list the resolution correctly then. once saved you can just disconnect the monitor. Although I think I'll need to look...
  6. tofuman

    Constant Disconnect Issues

    If there is any packet loss it can cause issues. It is a TCP connection so should be able to recover from slight issues but if the encryption gets out of sync due to packet loss you will get disconnected. Test using tracert in command prompt to the game server let us know...
  7. tofuman

    Game Disconnect Resulting in lost mag

    Items will only be replaced if it was caused by a server bug. Disconnects aren't covered by this. You should use the Trade function, Shared bank (never known it not to work) to be safe in the future.
  8. tofuman

    Cannot Change Resolution in "More"

    If you could check your registry in this location : Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SonicTeam\PSOBB You should see the options there. If you don't then that is why and you should import the install registry file that comes with PSO. You Could just edit ACCOUNT_CHECK from 0 to 1 to save the...
  9. tofuman

    laptop graphics card

    Using ENB does work, I use it my self on my laptop.
  10. tofuman

    Cannot Change Resolution in "More"

    The launcher settings should override any way. Usually with the Sega options, missing resolutions occurs on 16bit colour and setting to 32bit enables the resolutions.
  11. tofuman

    Cannot Change Resolution in "More"

    Try importing the install.reg file that is in the psobb directory. (Double click and agree to import) This will populate the registry with the default values then see if you can select the resolution.
  12. tofuman

    Your client is too old...

    The Ephinea launcher will download the latest client (1.9.3). So ensure you are using that. Else just download the complete client again as that *will* have the latest.
  13. tofuman

    I'm a new user and I can't play it now

    Check your case. The account details are case sensitive here at Ephinea.
  14. tofuman

    Removal of Classic drop style and penalty to PSO2 drop style, January 15th, 2018

    It's hard to please everyone. Even more so when it comes to the PSO community. I feel we've done well to give our players good options and ways to play PSO the way they like and think its a bit drastic to leave a server because the drop system is now easier. Especially when most other servers...
  15. tofuman

    That time Ephinea got hacked

    Some may remember that back in August 2016 we published an announcement that one of our servers had been hacked via WordPress. At the time we couldn’t talk much more about it and unfortunately, parts of our source code had been obtained from the hack. I'm glad to say that this has finally come...
  16. tofuman

    Adjust or remove traps for "Rescue from Ragol"

    There are a few 1 hit KO traps in the quest and they are intentional.
  17. tofuman

    Name the best movie/s that comes to mind

    Contact Catch me if you can Castaway Apollo 13 Forest Gump (actually most things Tom Hanks) Fifth Element Shutter Island Close Encounters of the 3rd kind E.t. Back to the future part 1 and 2 Indiana Jones series The Abyss I could go on. I didn't expect much from death note. Being a fan of the...
  18. tofuman

    Wireless Speed Boosting?

    Have you tested using ethernet to confirm that wireless is at fault? Psobb works best on connections with less than 15 hops. Any more and you'll see issues. So tracert to the server to see how many hops it takes. Regarding your internet connection. Use the bt infinity checker to see if you...
  19. tofuman

    Trouble With Server Sync (solved)

    If you have your language set to custom from the launcher that'll be the reason. The unitxt file was updated a month or so ago. You can download the unitxt here:
  20. tofuman

    Windows 10 Strikes Again? (Client won't launch)

    If you have the creators update try disabling the GameDVR (Start -> Xboxapp -> Settings -> GameDVR -> turn off recording game clips and screenshots). And try disabling game mode