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  1. Matt

    Server maintenance complete for April 30th, 2023 (4/30 サーバメンテナンス完了)

    At the same time we don't really want the Ragol Boost Road to feel like you need to have a full party to enjoy its benefits. Encouraging multiplayer is good, but there's a fine line between encouragement and it feeling like a requirement, even if you can argue it's "just boosts, no penalties"...
  2. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    The game closing immediately means that you set your resolution to one not supported by the PC you are on. Absolutely no need to use a virtual Wine window.
  3. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    Change your Direct3D API - you'll want to use Direct3D 8, 11 or Vulkan. That being said, a lot of things are "missing" in PSO BB as well, so it's possible this would be an issue on any system. I can't really help with this one, it sounds like an issue with the Steam client which is out of my...
  4. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    User error, I would have to see your EphineaPSO folder and addons folder to advise what you're doing wrong.
  5. Matt

    Phantasy Star Universe Private Servers

    When it comes to PSU -> PSO2, it's more accurate to go from PSP2i -> PSO2 as most early PSO2 concepts are lifted straight from Infinity, such as the PP bar, the chain system (for Gunner), and certain attacks (Ramegid Zero is a clone of Foverse). Deumans, blocking, and dodging were also from...
  6. Matt

    How did YOU find Ephinea?

    I was playing another PSO BB private server, saw Ephinea come up day 1 and one of the major things Soda was working on was Challenge Mode, so figured I'd play here to help test that out, although "I would never play vanilla". Hm.
  7. Matt

    Phantasy Star Universe Private Servers

    someone clearly never played psp2i where forces are like the best class and arguably the most fun. Forces were compatible with the PSP2 changes, they just forgot to give them a way to build chain, which was fixed.
  8. Matt

    New Hunters Boost Road for March (3月のHBRのお知らせ)

    Hello Hunters! The Hunters Boost Road has been swapped over for March, featuring the following 3 quests: Sweep-up Operation #1 (Episode 1 - Extermination) Silent Afterimage #2 (Episode 1 - Extermination) Lost HELL PALLASCH (Episode 1 - Retrieval) If you're not familiar with the Hunters Boost...
  9. Matt

    EXP Share

    EXP share is definitely functional. Note that if you do not hit the enemy, you will not see the EXP drop, however if you watch your main menu, you will definitely be gaining experience.
  10. Matt

    Linux Tutorial for Playing PSOBB on Ephinea

    I haven't quite figured out the audio crackling issue myself. When I was on KDE Neon, I had the audio crackling issue there no matter what Wine version I used, and this also occurs on the Steam Deck. Neon had just PulseAudio installed, whereas the Steam Deck uses PipeWire. However I moved to...
  11. Matt

    Is there a way to get this running in a linux environment?

    0. (If you can already get Flatpaks, you don't need to do this step) Give yourself access to Flatpaks and the Flathub repository: 1. Grab Lutris from Flathub: 2. Open Lutris, click the + at the top left, search...
  12. Matt

    What's the best section ID for each class?

    Preamble Feel free to skip this part if you just want to answer the question. The question I'm going to make the template for all the rest of the class guides on the wiki, but I'd like to know what the community thinks are the best IDs for each class. This will be aimed at new players, so...
  13. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    It's going to be hard to troubleshoot with such little information, do the following: 1. Open PSO BB in Desktop Mode in Lutris - does it launch? If yes, it is an issue with Steam, make sure there's nothing like forced compatibility mode checks or so. It may be worth removing the game from Steam...
  14. Matt

    Linux Tutorial for Playing PSOBB on Ephinea

    For starters, I wouldn't recommend using this guide, and I would use something like the automated installer under Lutris regardless of Linux distribution (of course on GroovyArcade this may be awkward due to how it works - I would install from bash, open Lutris and set everything up, then link...
  15. Matt

    Didn’t there used to be some quest where Sonic and friends were NPC’s?

    It's definitely the Tinkerbell's Dog, as that quest did feature the Sonic NPCs in Forest 1. It's how you got Sonic Knuckle, as well.
  16. Matt

    Is there a way to get this running in a linux environment?

    It runs in Wine fine, and has been able to do so for several years. There's even a thread right here about how to get the game running on the Steam Deck in 3 simple steps. It works on all Linux distros as you just install a Lutris script; although grabbing Lutris (and Wine if necessary) on...
  17. Matt

    Valentine's event started (バレンタインイベント開始)

    They don't, Love Rappies have nothing to do with Valentine's day.
  18. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    From what I understand, this issue is not Steam Deck specific but rather an issue with your modem/router; I believe @Ender knows more about this, however I think the solution is "get a better router", but I've never had this issue so don't know the specifics.
  19. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    You'll want 1280x800 really, but it should always be that (or less) since that is the resolution of the Deck. I wonder why you need forced compatibility? It sounds to me like you may have installed a different way to the OP.
  20. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    I can't say I'm having this issue, would you be able to explain what's happening exactly? Also check your settings for PSO BB in Steam, and make sure a compatibility tool is not being used, as this will overwrite Lutris' wrapper which can cause issues. It may also be worth regenerating the...