Search results

  1. Omerion

    Gamer Rage

    Have you seen some on rage on a lost or a death in the video game? That's what gamer rage is for. Examples like Kiraflax, K9, LowTi3rGod, DSP, etc. If you want to post a rage video that makes others laugh, feel free Here's mine.
  2. Omerion

    What are you listening to?

  3. Omerion

    How many people interested in the Nintendo Switch?

    I would by probably buy it for that untitled game with Travis Touchdown aka. No More Heroes 3? Mostly there going to be ported released games like Skyrim and Xenoverse 2. I would consider arms, mario odyssey which looks a lot like sonic adventures, ultra street fighter 2, and that f zero fan...
  4. Omerion

    Favorite Fighting Games (No Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat)

    You broke the rules, no street fighter. But 3rd strike is my favorite.
  5. Omerion

    League of Legends

    I hate when that you want mid primary, but end up with other lane like bot. I get that all the time. I mean come on, I want to play Viktor mid.
  6. Omerion

    What anime are you currently watching?

    I been watching Dragon Ball Super lately, but I have to skip the 2 arks because I already watched Battle of the Gods and Resurrection F. Also, there is a dub coming out, but I have to go over 2 arks again. Some story with JP Dragon Ball, Z, and GT that the Goku's JP voice makes me cringe.
  7. Omerion

    Best Games of 2016

    So 2016 is coming to a close and 2017 is coming in soon. 2017 will be interesting for new movies, games, and so on, but specificity, we are going to talk about the best games of 2016. Rules: -Games must be in 2016 -I will allow recent big updates and remasters like Animal Crossing and Skyrim...
  8. Omerion

    Squz Haha, that would be nice.

    Squz Haha, that would be nice.
  9. Omerion

    Death Battle Thread

    One of series I enjoy in youtube is death battle. If you don't know what death battle is, it's a series made by Screwattack when 2 character fight to the death with their abilities, only 1 winner. The newest one (for now) is Zoro vs Scarlet. Next up: Deadpool vs. ??? The most popular and...
  10. Omerion

    How am I still surviving with no internet?

    How am I still surviving with no internet?
  11. Omerion

    Scoob's Guide To Pure Mathematics

    My Guide For Math. 2+2=4. jk. x^2+12x+36= 0 36 6 6 12 (x+6)^2 = 0 x= -6 x=-6
  12. Omerion

    Videogaming Esports in the Olympic Games?

    Yeah, I heard the news that videogaming as in esports is going to an Olympics event in 2024. So gaming is considered a sport in the future. So I doubt this was going to happen, but if it did, it's pretty cool. This random guy took a photo of this while watching the news:
  13. Omerion

    PS4 Pro anyone?

    I don't get why they have to make the same console and make it better. I mean, I already have a PS4, so there is no point of me buying another PS4 with much better capabilities.
  14. Omerion

    League of Legends

    I mean, that's not the only MOBA I played obviously. I played Smite, a little Paragon, and Vainglory.
  15. Omerion


    He's the greatest youtuber of all time.
  16. Omerion

    Favorite Fighting Games (No Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat)

    Yeah, soulcaliber 2 GC version with Link.
  17. Omerion

    Favorite Fighting Games (No Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat)

    Do you play the Gamecube version?
  18. Omerion

    The results are in. Could this mean the end the continent for the United States? Find out in the...

    The results are in. Could this mean the end the continent for the United States? Find out in the next episode of 21st Century world.
  19. Omerion

    Favorite Fighting Games (No Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat)

    I thought Smash Bros series ain't fighting games. Also, I think the 3D fighting style may affect the fans of the series, because of the complex controls and in BT1, I hate those mission based games where you have to survive until time runs out. BT3 is one of the best for the BT fans, but too...
  20. Omerion

    Favorite Fighting Games (No Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat)

    Fighting games are a very good game to have an 1 on 1 with your friend if you can before crazy combos and tricks to pull off when fighting in the game. Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat are the titans of Fighting Games. Since both of these games were overwhelmingly popular, try not to include...