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  1. Laranjinha

    Server maintenance concluded for June 25th, 2022 (6/26 サーバメンテナンス終了)

    I'd have been totally happy with HC being changed to mirror normal mode identically (drop rates and all), with even rarer scape dolls, if it was seen as unbalanced. I enjoy the long play, so actually the experience boost wasn't at all what drew me to HC, the thrill of almost losing your...
  2. Laranjinha

    Server maintenance completed for February 5th, 2022 at 21:00 UTC. (サーバメンテナンス完了のお知らせ)

    Maybe Ctrl + B for /bank? These are really cool shortcuts!!
  3. Laranjinha

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Well the existing paint colours are based on already existing rings in the game. Other colours would mean effectively making new items in the game's files.
  4. Laranjinha

    Multiple characters unable to log in!

    @Sodaboy @Ender Thanks a lot for looking into and resolving this for me! I was super worried. Great team!
  5. Laranjinha

    Multiple characters unable to log in!

    Fyi. The characters in question are on my hardcore account (respectively): 1. Mustard (bank 4) 2. Amethyst (bank 1)
  6. Laranjinha

    Server maintenance completed for January 8th, 2022 at 2300 UTC. (サーバメンテナンス完了 22/1/9 08:00)

    Hey Ender I just left a new thread regarding this in Technical Support. I was doing a thorough investigation and wrote everything about it there. I'd appreciate if you could have a read through for me. Thanks!!
  7. Laranjinha

    Multiple characters unable to log in!

    Since the server maintenance and the following patch to fix the tekking issue, I have found that I am unable to log in as some of the characters in my account. I've been on and off with different characters throughout the day and have been playing daily for the past few weeks with no issues...
  8. Laranjinha

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Just can't help but notice that of the 4 Glides you found, 3 are with hit! Haha
  9. Laranjinha

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    You may have seen it in discord already, but.... p.s. not for sale!
  10. Laranjinha

    Ephinea PSOBB client for macOS 10.15+ & Apple Silicon

    I've had the same symptoms and tried the same solution as you have @PSONephew I even thought of using wine to run online.exe to patch the game then changed wine's target to psobb.exe in order to run the game directly. The game just doesn't load. Activity monitor shows a spike in cpu usage when...
  11. Laranjinha

    Ephinea Christmas 2021 Event Thread

    Found these from a present on VH: Game Magazine 40h Syringe [King's] 30h Daisy Chain [Chaos] 40h
  12. Laranjinha

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    I'm honoured!! Time for Rebirth!