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  1. SirLagsAlot

    Hot take: FOnewearl should get bonuses to Ra- techs, too

    Well ultimately the game is going to remain how it has remained for the last 20 years, no major changes are ever going to occur to the classes lol. HOWEVER, I do think SEGA did a good job to make each class unique and have something fun/interesting it can do. FOney: Highest ATA = best...
  2. SirLagsAlot

    Monsters not spawning in some quests?

    Yeah I’ve had it happen but then they spawned like 2-3 minutes later in CCA. Luckily you can just reset since it’s the beginning of the quest… Oh well!
  3. SirLagsAlot

    Countdown for just 5 left… I bet you can do it before the end of the year!

    Countdown for just 5 left… I bet you can do it before the end of the year!
  4. SirLagsAlot

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    CG m8. Biiiig viridia card brother. Freaking sucks it’s not a forge item but one closer on your epic quest. I can’t wait to see you complete your challenge!!
  5. SirLagsAlot

    analog camera control ftw

    Ah shit well that was my next question would be if it would be ok to hack our clients ourselves so we can do this. The other thing I was thinking was if it would be possible to lock the camera in /cam mode to track the character still. This way we could play from any angle imaginable.
  6. SirLagsAlot

    analog camera control ftw

    Yup. It’s freaking epic brosef. Let’s cross our fingers and hope for top-down mode next…
  7. SirLagsAlot

    Gambling in PSO

    Haha nice! That’s awesome. That’s kind of like how the raffle idea works, it involves playing the game that is. I’ll update my opening post soon with more details for this fun kind of event where the whole community can gamble on RNG at the same time!
  8. SirLagsAlot

    Gambling in PSO

    I have a way I invented to gamble within PSO but I’m curious if anyone is even interested in that. A lot of late stage MMOs have a lot of people who enjoy it. I personally am neutral on the topic and i see it being both good and bad. It’s fun in moderation but if you are a degenerate it can...
  9. SirLagsAlot

    Oldies PSO Dreamcast

    He ranks it somewhere after Sonic and NiGHTs… oof lol His tone leads me to believe that it was probably incredibly stressful for him at this point of his life. PSO had a gargantuan budget (so high they won’t even publicly confirm it) and they sold the Dreamcast at a huge loss to only turn a...
  10. SirLagsAlot

    What are you listening to?

    I hope they add your song to the ingame jukebox. Also I’ve been asking them for years to add this one (they won’t)
  11. SirLagsAlot

    haiku thread

    Life is so finite No videogames in Hell Enjoy it for now
  12. SirLagsAlot

    Today is the oldest I’ve ever been, and the youngest I’ll ever be again…

    Today is the oldest I’ve ever been, and the youngest I’ll ever be again…
  13. SirLagsAlot

    Oldies PSO Dreamcast There’s a couple on Reddit, if you scroll up…. etc
  14. SirLagsAlot

    Miku's best farming quest list (v1.2.0)

    A3 now SHOULD be the equivalent of A6 prior, that is as far as movement speed, DAR, RDR, etc. Unfortunately also the area drop percents were SEVERELY nerfed along with the PD rate which you mentioned. A3 will only have a boost of 0.45% but it does add up quite a lot over time. My calc of 4 an...
  15. SirLagsAlot

    Server maintenance has been completed for May 20th, 2024 (サーバメンテナンス完了 5/20)

    Is there any chance that there can be a way to make the /cam mode still track the player? This way we can easily play on top-down mode like in this video
  16. SirLagsAlot

    Miku's best farming quest list (v1.2.0)

    Well for future reference you can always check out the terminology page on the wiki TWIYF (the wiki is your friend) I think the only thing I only used the acronym for was pw3. So that’s Phantasmal World 3, a quest in episode 2. Here’s a pretty well...
  17. SirLagsAlot

    Miku's best farming quest list (v1.2.0)

    For money I assume you mean meseta. For raw meseta you just do pw3 box resets and sell everything. But in this game the real “money” is photon drops. Hands down the fastest RAW PD farm is ma4c resets kill the rappies on anguish 10 (now 3) and reset. Take 30 seconds using a FO and you can...