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  1. iceman288

    ~ Ryza Jr.'s Lil' Shop of Horrors! ~

    I trust you. :) I'll hop on around 8pm EST if you'll be around, otherwise just hold it for me and I'll grab it later if you don't mind!
  2. iceman288

    ~ Ryza Jr.'s Lil' Shop of Horrors! ~

    How much for the BOVN?
  3. iceman288

    Ephinea Summer Event

    Cool stuff. Thanks to everyone who helped with developing this for your time!
  4. iceman288

    Duplicating question. Please satisfy my curiosity (Against server rules, I know)

    Yeah, that glitch was fixed in Ep 1 and 2 Plus, and I believe it never returned from then on out. Second time I've seen someone ask that this week. :) Honestly, if you need items, it's probably best to just go to the trade section and buy them from someone. It's much easier haha. Just go find...
  5. iceman288


    Welcome to Ephinea! Hope you like it here. :) I also hope you are able to find some players over there on the EU server...if not, give the US one a try!
  6. iceman288

    New guy in town!

    Welcome! You guys came just in time for our Summer Event. :) I hope you like what you see! See you around!
  7. iceman288

    Hello, kinda new here.

    Welcome!! Nothing wrong with doing solo quests. :) I've personally found many solo quests to be pretty tedious while the multiplayer quests are generally much faster-paced which is why I prefer multiplayer, but it all depends on your personal preference. Hope to see you around!
  8. iceman288

    Ephinea Summer Event

    It was nice seeing all the activity in-game last night. Good crowd! :) Boy, a couple of those episode 1 and 2 MA quests are tricky. I felt like we had a good group going through those and we still couldn't complete them in time.
  9. iceman288

    Hello, new to server and BB, old DC, GC, XBOX player

    Welcome to Ephinea!! Please feel free to holler if you have any questions...we'd all love to help! :) Hope to see you in-game!
  10. iceman288

    what did u have for dinner?

    Last night I had some shoddy $4-per-slice pizza from a casino. Would have been cheaper to eat a meal at Hooters next door.
  11. iceman288

    Newcomer from France

    Welcome to Ephinea!! Hope to see you around! :) There's a topic in the General forum where people discuss how they like to control the game; you might get some pro tips from there if interested:
  12. iceman288

    Kill Counter Broken?

    Lol. Optimistic. :)
  13. iceman288

    Kill Counter Broken?

    Lol. I know. :) Looks like it's fixed now. 61%. I think we're screwed this week haha.
  14. iceman288

    New to Ephinea PSO Server....Looking for advice!!

    There's a lot of TTF but people are generally open to play anything fun if you suggest it. :) Hope to see you around!
  15. iceman288

    Kill Counter Broken?

    Don't think I didn't see your original post. :p
  16. iceman288

    Kill Counter Broken?

    Seems like the kill counter hasn't moved in at least a couple of hours.
  17. iceman288

    Hello humans

    Welcome, hope to see you in-game! :)
  18. iceman288

    New here

    TTF (Towards the Future) is your best friend for fast experience. It's a quest that is basically just a quick episode 1 boss run. I didn't know about it before I came here so I thought I'd share in case you didn't either. :) Also, just make sure to carefully plan your character and mags early...
  19. iceman288


    Welcome! Hope you like it! :) Holler if you have any questions! There are plenty of vets around here who are more than willing to help (and I'll do the best I can to help as well!).
  20. iceman288

    Sup buddy!

    Sup buddy!