Search results

  1. iceman288

    Looking for people to play with

    Welcome! Feel free to ping me if you see me, I'd be happy to help. :)
  2. iceman288

    Another PSO newblet arrives...

    Welcome!! Hope to see you around soon! :)
  3. iceman288

    About banner items in inaccessible areas

    Hey, it's not my drop, I just thought I'd mention it. :p 20 seconds is pretty short though.
  4. iceman288

    About banner items in inaccessible areas

    Sooo...someone in our party just got a RR drop during MA4 1C Falz. I don't think it was me and disagree did not think it was him, but it was likely pewpew or MewPlushie. The party name was "1C dis", I believe. Since we only had 20 seconds after Falz to retrieve the item before it teleports us...
  5. iceman288

    98% kills achieved...25% DAR boost in effect!

    Because we get the boost from now until the end of this week (0000 GMT on Saturday) and keep it until the following Saturday.
  6. iceman288

    Hello! Veteran PSO-er returning to Ragol

    I'm sure you'll find people who are more than happy to help you level up. :) I'll be on later tonight so if I see you I'll pop in or say hey!
  7. iceman288

    Ephinea Summer Event

  8. iceman288

    New player

    Welcome!! Holler if you have any questions or issues. :)
  9. iceman288

    Order to play thru episodes?

    Welcome to Ephinea! :) Story-wise, yes, definitely do what Matt said. If you're just looking for experience, I'd probably just jump in any game online and let some higher levels carry you for a while. It will probably save you quite a bit of time going through the gov quests in the long run...
  10. iceman288

    Ephinea Summer Event

    Perfect, thanks for the clarification!
  11. iceman288

    Ephinea Summer Event

    So, is there any disadvantage in holding our badges until the end of the event to see what else appears? I hate to spend them and then another NPC appears with more options. The previous earned NPCs dont leave until the end of the event, right?
  12. iceman288

    Back to PSO... again. :D

    Welcome to Ephinea! Hope you like it here! See you around! :)
  13. iceman288

    Hello and follow your dreams

    Welcome to Ephinea!! Hope to see you in-game soon! :) I'd probably take a look at the "Guides" forum (inside of General), especially this topic from NDW:
  14. iceman288

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Interesting. Thanks for the info. Never played Challenge mode. Might have to save up some PDs haha.
  15. iceman288

    Quick question - Quick answer

    While we're on the topic of S-Rank Arrest might someone go about acquiring one of them?
  16. iceman288

    This week I 'ave been mostly watching

    Caught up on several episodes of Bar Rescue last night. I keep chugging away on Fringe also...about halfway through season 4.
  17. iceman288

    Little lost....

    I'd probably run some TTFs with people for a while. See if some high-level chars will carry you through a few ultimate runs. Or run some more VH TTFs. You won't survive much in Ulti until at least lvl 100 or so. Carry some HP units with you as well.
  18. iceman288

    About banner items in inaccessible areas

    Awesome, good to have a fallback! Thanks!
  19. iceman288

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Congrats on your level 200! :)
  20. iceman288

    Good evening ladies and gents

    Welcome to Ephinea! I'm sure I'll see you around. :) Holler at us if you have any questions!