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  1. iceman288

    Some concerns about Ephinea

    I wanted to address this comment since it seemed that most other comments had been addressed. Remember, HBR does not have to be done in Ultimate. You still get 4 HBR points for VH, 2 for Hard, 1 for normal. The 4 HBR points for VH are significant. As for the rest of the comments...I don't think...
  2. iceman288

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Hey, I stuck around to try to win ya'll one. :p
  3. iceman288

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    PGF for me last night. :)
  4. iceman288

    Hunters boost road

    Welp, the good news is that these are untimed so you can sit back and relax. :) I think I would agree that a lot of people are unaware of HBR or don't understand what it is and it's benefits. I didn't know what it was for my first six weeks of playing here until it became part of the Summer...
  5. iceman288

    New to Ephinea

    Welcome, hope to see you around! :)
  6. iceman288

    Greetings !

    Hey, people are usually more than happy to help. :)
  7. iceman288

    Greetings! Looking for friends, advice and possibly gear

    I believe you are correct!
  8. iceman288

    Greetings !

    This probably fits for about 50% of us here. :) Welcome to Ephinea! There seems to be a limited number of FOs running around lately so you'll be needed!
  9. iceman288

    hello nerds

    Welcome fellow GC-er! Feel free to ask anyone in-game if you need help! Here is another good spot to ask questions: See you around! :)
  10. iceman288

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Is this good? :)
  11. iceman288

    Greetings! Looking for friends, advice and possibly gear

    Welcome to Ephinea! :) First, I'd recommend taking a peak around the trade forum. There's a lot of items there that people are giving away. Could be useful. Otherwise, people online are usually happy to help also. Lots of spare unused gear to go around. :) terms of level...
  12. iceman288

    Where are youuuuuuuu

    Where are youuuuuuuu
  13. iceman288

    Free thread for all

    The drama and arguments happen between a few passionate players who occasionally have misunderstandings with each other and they don't reflect on the community as a whole. It's the internet; drama happens. I hate that it sometimes happens in such public areas like the Shoutbox, but just don't...
  14. iceman288

    Event Feedback Thread

    I've only been around long enough to be a part of the Summer Event (which was a blast), so my comments are based on that. Did you enjoy the event(s)? Yes, very much so. It kept people engaged and I felt like everyone was working towards a common goal so there was a lot of teamwork involved...
  15. iceman288

    Summer Event Ending October 1st

    Thanks Soda and everyone else involved! It was a blast! :)
  16. iceman288

    Ephinea Summer Event

    My guess would be 0000 GMT on the 25th which would be 8pm Eastern time and 5pm Pacific time on the 24th. 26 hours from now.
  17. iceman288


    Welcome to Ephinea, Kiro! :)
  18. iceman288

    Archivebits Locker CLOSED

    I'll give you 5 PDs for all 4 Viviennes.
  19. iceman288

    Proper Introduction!

    Welcome, hope to see you around!