I've recently made a 5th character on my account and plan on making 2 more. With this, the frequency of me needing to change character banks has increased dramatically. Now unless I'm missing something, the only way to change banks is to enter the game first and then use the command.
If that's...
Wow, all this negativity. Assuming you've no chance before you've even tried is quite telling... I'm disappointed in you guys.
Listen SuperCentipede, it's not impossible nor unlikely that you can meet someone in the street by approaching them. First of all, you yourself need to know your...
Considering that there are people who fantasize about this with animals, dragons, and other regrettable things, I'd say it's entirely within the realm of possibility.
I'm not one for flashy effects and things usually, but I decided to flex my hardware just for laughs. I must say, after playing around with the settings and really tinkering with the settings I liked, I think it makes a huge difference...