Search results

  1. Kevdo

    PSOBB Addon Plugin (Lua UI addons)

    Is it possible to change the opacity on these add on windows? If so, how?
  2. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    Thanks, I guess.
  3. Kevin's Random Screenshots

    Kevin's Random Screenshots

    I'll dump everything without explanation, here.
  4. Kevdo

    Random media dump

    I learned a magic trick, no more need to hunt anything, check it out:
  5. Kevdo

    Question Regarding Character Banks

    Well that's what that's for eh? Thanks Matt, I honestly did not know that!
  6. Kevdo

    Question Regarding Character Banks

    I've recently made a 5th character on my account and plan on making 2 more. With this, the frequency of me needing to change character banks has increased dramatically. Now unless I'm missing something, the only way to change banks is to enter the game first and then use the command. If that's...
  7. Kevdo

    How do you get through to people if they're glued to their phones?

    Wow, all this negativity. Assuming you've no chance before you've even tried is quite telling... I'm disappointed in you guys. Listen SuperCentipede, it's not impossible nor unlikely that you can meet someone in the street by approaching them. First of all, you yourself need to know your...
  8. Kevdo

    How long did you take to get your first level 200?

    Why you always lyyyyiiiinnnn ♪ I think it took me about a little over a year for my first Lv 200.
  9. Kevdo

    Do casts have some type of soul or are they humanoid?

    Considering that there are people who fantasize about this with animals, dragons, and other regrettable things, I'd say it's entirely within the realm of possibility.
  10. Pioneer 2 With Effects

    Pioneer 2 With Effects

  11. Pioneer 2 Without Effects

    Pioneer 2 Without Effects

  12. Kevdo

    Crash Upon Viewing Mag

    Matt can you elaborate on this possibly? I'm curious about what add on you're referring to.
  13. Kevdo

    PSOBB Post-Processing

    I'm not one for flashy effects and things usually, but I decided to flex my hardware just for laughs. I must say, after playing around with the settings and really tinkering with the settings I liked, I think it makes a huge difference...
  14. Explosions With Effect

    Explosions With Effect

  15. Explosions Without Effect

    Explosions Without Effect

  16. Intro Screen Without Bloom

    Intro Screen Without Bloom

  17. Intro Screen With Bloom

    Intro Screen With Bloom

  18. Seaside With Effects

    Seaside With Effects

  19. Seaside Without Effects

    Seaside Without Effects

  20. Lobby With Effects

    Lobby With Effects
