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  1. Mome Chomsky

    what was I thinking when I scheduled my candidacy exam right in the middle of peak playing with...

    what was I thinking when I scheduled my candidacy exam right in the middle of peak playing with randoms season? :/
  2. Mome Chomsky

    Proposed New Drop Charts

    What about Parasitic Cell Type D as a side drop in greenill spaceship? It's not too highly sought after, but it could be a nice way to save some PDs for people who want virus armor. Maybe replace one of the cross scar drops and put it at like 1/2-3k?
  3. Mome Chomsky

    RA Armour

    Sweetheart, more like eliteheart
  4. Mome Chomsky

    pso memes

    Only happened once ever, ok? [/spoiler]
  5. Mome Chomsky

    35h Guardianna

    Got this from the egg gamble (so no other %s)
  6. Mome Chomsky

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Finally got around to doing this
  7. Mome Chomsky

    What's your favorite weapon(s) in PSO?

    Flight fan Ano rifle Evil curst Plantain fans Demonic fork
  8. Mome Chomsky

    How do you pronounce "Xrd?"

    I pronounce it like "Kserd" And schthack as a one syllable word without a hard T (but with a th)
  9. Mome Chomsky

    Removing the need to tag enemies for experience

    Oh sorry, I didn't know it was already brought up
  10. Mome Chomsky

    Removing the need to tag enemies for experience

    First, I don't even know if this is possible. The way gaining experience in this game works is one thing that has always kind of annoyed me. It makes sense according to the logic that you get experience based on contributing to the party, but I think at later stages of the game it just gets...
  11. Mome Chomsky

    pso memes

  12. Mome Chomsky

    Episode 2 Drop Tables

    My initial thoughts on the new table after looking over it quickly: It kind of seems like you guys are over-compensating with temple- how about moving rambling may and vivienne somewhere else (or keeping them but making another option as well)? For example putting vivienne from greenill mericus...
  13. Mome Chomsky

    Episode 2 Drop Tables

    I don't really like the idea of ep4 items dropping outside of ep4 and I think "Godliness" is a bit of a stretch considering how hard it is to get the good ep4 drops (lame, HS) to drop with good stats (which is fine). Most of the other drops are either not that valuable, or for newer players can...
  14. Mome Chomsky

    35h Guren

    I just found one of these today and was wondering how much it's worth. All other attributes are 0s.
  15. Mome Chomsky

    30h Girasol

    Just wondering if this is worth anything. It has 30 dark also if that makes a difference.
  16. Mome Chomsky

    What are you listening to?

  17. Mome Chomsky

    Better to live 100 days as a sheep, than 1 day as a sheep

    Better to live 100 days as a sheep, than 1 day as a sheep
  18. Mome Chomsky

    What manga do you keep up with?

    Yuru Yuri
  19. Mome Chomsky

    What is your favorite quest?

    MA4A Ep1 MA4C Ep2 MA4C Ep4