Search results

  1. Mome Chomsky

    [OSRS]Old School RuneScape

    My name is "4D Gnomeball" if you can't tell from the pic. I just logged on to do the Christmas event and ended up killing a few fire giants. I don't really play that much, I guess. Last time I played my plan was to get range/mage/def to 99 and try to get into pvp but I have a long way to go...
  2. Mome Chomsky

    [OSRS]Old School RuneScape

    This would have been a cool find 14 years ago..
  3. Mome Chomsky

    S>PGF for PDs

    I still have this and would gladly sell it, if anyone's interested
  4. Mome Chomsky

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    Interesting new spawn
  5. Mome Chomsky

    Post the last photo, gif or video that made you laugh too hard

    Stumbled across this on youtube again, this scene gets me every time
  6. Mome Chomsky

    Merry early Christmas to me!

    I'll get one once Pokemon comes out, maybe
  7. Mome Chomsky

    Rest In Peace Ealonzo (Lil B)

    Wow, this is really tragic. Thoughts go out to his friends and family.
  8. Mome Chomsky

    What's your "day job?"

    This, except I do nothing but research
  9. Mome Chomsky

    Do you miss the hacking culture of PSO?

    Without hackers there wouldn't be any private servers. The situation now is a lot better than it used to be, but I would not say I ever had that strong of feelings either way.
  10. Mome Chomsky

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
  11. Mome Chomsky

    What is your favorite character to play?

    Fonewearl I guess. It's fun to see how much you can kill and I like her design.
  12. Mome Chomsky

    haiku thread

    My first post was dumb Sorry but this one is too :O My postcount +2
  13. Mome Chomsky

    haiku thread

    This thread is awful You're so dumb you don't even Realize it yet
  14. Mome Chomsky

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Just started Pokémon Moon
  15. Mome Chomsky

    EXP Curve Adjustment

    I really like this idea. Early-game PSO is really boring and anything to get past it faster is nice. The gameplay changes so much later on, I don't really agree that there's anything valuable for new players to learn in the lower difficulties.
  16. Mome Chomsky

    What Did You Do Today?

    I did my long run today. A little over 18 miles with about 9 of those miles at a Quality Pace. Now I'm headed off to the facility to conduct some Protocols.
  17. Mome Chomsky

    Post your wallpapers

    This is mine right now
  18. Mome Chomsky

    S>PGF for PDs

    This offer is still up btw
  19. Mome Chomsky

    S>PGF for PDs

  20. Mome Chomsky

    S>PGF for PDs
