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  1. Nyte

    What are you listening to?

  2. Nyte

    PSO Masks?

    No but i got a slytherin mask from someone at work that's great. Before that i was using some of that craft cloth you can get at walmart. It had the deathly hallows on it.
  3. Nyte

    What anime are you currently watching?

    I watched this one in almost 1 sitting. Great show.
  4. Nyte

    Section ID's, Drop Tables, and Data

    Boze has always been the all rounder ID, the rares were just harder to find/ not an efficient hunt. Speaking of gc and dc here. I think it would be boss if they kept that spirit going here.
  5. Nyte


    I had a 45 def Bana when I started here. Stayed up hours making that thing. Spin Bana!
  6. Nyte

    Selfie thread.

    Hiking and going to waterfalls and the like is such fun. Havent done any in a while. TN has a lot to offer, too.
  7. Nyte

    What anime are you currently watching?

    I'll be looking at this tomorrow. from Crunchyroll: The first episode of Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Season 2 goes live on Crunchyroll on Wednesday, July 8 at 7:30am Pacific Time / 8:30am Mountain Time / 9:30am Central Time / 10:30am Eastern Time.
  8. Nyte

    What book are you reading?

    They're comparing wandering in to the wheel of time on that site. I might have to check it out.
  9. Nyte

    Best class for soloing?

    There is something very satisfying about fonewm unarmed solo. Get the marvel vs Capcom sound pack and unleash some HADOUKEN! So nice.
  10. Nyte

    Back to PSO to stay

    You could start maybe by making a non purist toon and naming your rooms "forest run" "caves run" "forest 2 falz", etc. That way people know you don't want to quest. Who knows maybe you could run into someone interested in making toons and playing a couple hours on saturday like you mentioned...
  11. Nyte

    What are you listening to?

  12. Nyte

    What are you listening to?

  13. Nyte

    What are you listening to?

    The video is very eerie, and fits it perfectly.
  14. Nyte

    What are you listening to?

    I was down in it . . . I was up above it!
  15. Nyte

    お誕生日おめでとう! @darkbladelink @GreenMaker @Karsh (Happy birthday to us!!)

    お誕生日おめでとう! @darkbladelink @GreenMaker @Karsh (Happy birthday to us!!)
  16. Nyte

    Quick question - Quick answer

    If you are force, what i used to do is episode 4 any load up any of the MA4 quests and just slay the first few waves of enemies with techs. Someone correct me if im wrong but isnt the min lvl for ep4 normal.. lvl 40?
  17. Nyte

    Pick 3 SIDs

    Boze life! Partly because it matches my favorite FOnm costume. Ive always liked it more bc the id was "all rounder" and i dont hunt anything in particular. Just chill n kill and what drops drops! Pso has a way of keeping what you want most from you if you hunt it. So just do full area clears...
  18. Nyte

    What are you listening to?

    I really need to wat h GTO again.
  19. Nyte

    What are you listening to?

    I found out Rammstien covered this song heavily on tour the year Joey Ramone died. Blows my mind. Rammstien rocks.
  20. Nyte

    What are you listening to?
