Search results

  1. Archivebit

    0/0/0/30/40 Zanba (CLOSED)

    We need something that any bid within 30mins of end extends auction. Or a minimum increment bid (ebay does min increments based off of % of total bid value) Ive complained many times in the past about bidding 1pd on 100pd items (for example)
  2. Archivebit

    Clean 35% Hit MKB

    For reference the 30h has commonly sold for 18pd. 35h maybe 23-27pd?
  3. Archivebit

    0-0-15-30 60H SoF

    I got my 55h from anime for about 350pd. Yep! Worth. Every. Penny. Id trade my 55h+ stuff for your 60h though pm me id interested.
  4. Archivebit

    pc>hit DLS

    12 17 45+ because pplz dont want less than 30h
  5. Archivebit

    PC> 50/0/0/35/45 MKB

    A stack as mkb. 140 as bkb
  6. Archivebit

    Archivebits Locker CLOSED

    Still closed. My buildouts are not for sale.
  7. Archivebit

    B>Vjaya with Hit

    over 50pd for 50h
  8. Archivebit

    S> Syncesta 12PD

    I have two. Buy them :)
  9. Archivebit

    PC>Red Sword 35% Hit

    i agree. 15-18
  10. Archivebit

    A> 40H Snow Queen (COUNTDOWN)

    Ill start this with a photon booster.
  11. Archivebit

    B> 30h Frozen Shooter

    still looking
  12. Archivebit

    Rainbow Baton [0/0/0/0/80]

  13. Archivebit

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

  14. Archivebit

    Windows defender issues

    This issue has reappeared after the update. I cant even white list this folder anymore.
  15. Archivebit

    B> 30h Frozen Shooter

    If anyone has this on the cheap let me know with the price. Theres a lot of these still sitting in banks. I need to replace my froozer I traded away. If you have higher than 30h let me know as well. We can work it out.
  16. Archivebit

    PC> Slicer of Fanatic 35Hit

    35PD-40PD. SoF historically has been 1PD per hit until 40h where it goes WAY up (i think i sold my 40h for 99PD).
  17. Archivebit

    Wireless Speed Boosting?

    Director of IT Network Engineering here! This is is likely an issue with your connection to the ISP. With connection speeds this bad calling your ISP and having a technician come out and check the line would be the first thing you need to do. If this is the speed your paying for then thats...
  18. Archivebit

    PC > FS 15h

    Whats a 15h then?
  19. Archivebit

    PC > FS 15h

    5 maybe? 30h is around 12
  20. Archivebit

    PC> Vjaya [0/0/0/0|50]

    Yep. There were many bids near that price too. I won via buyout.