Search results

  1. Archivebit

    PC> Yasminkov 9000M 20H

    Yeah I'd say 17 to 20 is solid
  2. Archivebit


  3. Archivebit

    PC> Devil's Wing 185mind

    9 pd is fair
  4. Archivebit

    PC>A Couple of Things

    LS 4-8PD, they are scarce atm, so id say 7-8 Electro frame changes on def and slots. but 0 slot low def prolly 2pd, going up to 4 slot high def being 10-12. vivine 0h is 1-2pd
  5. Archivebit

    Berserk Raygun 0/0/0/35/90 +8

    I want this. Auction it! 275pd++
  6. Archivebit

    PC> DLS + HS

    With no other % a 15h HS is about 55-65pd. I bought one from violet at the cost of a srank with special.
  7. Archivebit

    PC> 20% Hit Shouren

    I've sold a few at 10 and 12. Depends on the influx of new people.
  8. Archivebit

    PC> 20% Hit Shouren

    Up to 10pd..there's a huge jump starting at 30%. A 20%jizzy would go for about 12pd give or take a few
  9. Archivebit

    PC> PGF

    What are these now a days? 35-45?
  10. Archivebit

    pc>aura field

    I might want this if its higher def than one i have. I bought mine, (probably close in stat) for 8pd with 4 slots
  11. Archivebit

    PC > H/Hp

  12. Archivebit

    PC> lavis cannon 0/15/20/0/15

    30+. I would be interested in it for a bit more though.
  13. Archivebit

    PC> lavis cannon 0/15/20/0/15

    Auction worthy. Not many hit lavis have appeared.
  14. Archivebit

    PC> yas 9000 30h

    Thats pretty sexy, not sure value.
  15. Archivebit

    Rat Race!! The Race to 180.

    a Red Ring is worth 4x+ as much as it used to be tho :)
  16. Archivebit

    Rat Race!! The Race to 180.

  17. Archivebit

    PC> Gush Club 50/50/0/0/50

    i have no idea what to use this for D:
  18. Archivebit

    PC> 40% Dark Lame, Shouren

    I think dark on lame isnt that helpful, as theres no use for it in ep2, ep1 mobs are weak and ep4 mobs teleport.
  19. Archivebit

    PC> 40% Dark Lame, Shouren

    Ah I see, yeah i glanced over that wrong. My PC does change, to 20PD for the lame, 25 after unseal. its over 30% dark, so it does increase. People have been debating in lobbies about %'s on lames, and aparently native is useless(which its not), and dark is the best. So maybe they buy these are...