Search results

  1. Geneflow


    Look, my old youtube channel. My first character in psoBB. Super noob using a Beserker Raygun without hit :), but what counts is the nostalgia to see this video. :)
  2. Geneflow

    Gene's List = new ArrayList();

    Hey, I still have this, if you up to trade, I am online now, room Lucks.
  3. Geneflow

    Gene's List = new ArrayList();

    3 Pds :) (I need to check if I still have this)
  4. Geneflow

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    -5 hit lame.
  5. Geneflow

    Oth's Mag Farm & Unsealing Shop

    Lame d'Argent - 4 PDs Want the unseal service. Lame d'Argent (0/0/0/0|15) TY VM.
  6. Geneflow

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Pso131108562370461064 by Geneflow posted Jun 20, 2016 at 2:55 AM Yes, my Limiter. *.*
  7. Pso131108562370461064


  8. Geneflow

    Ephinea 1.7.2 and updated launcher

  9. Geneflow

    Gene's List = new ArrayList();

    1 PD :)
  10. Geneflow

    Giveaway Thread.

    Heaven Striker 0'd PLZ ? :)
  11. Geneflow

    Episode 4 Drop Tables

    I fully agree , plz do Dorphon (SKYLY) drop the Lame it would be a dream . haha :)
  12. Geneflow

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    Red Ring [DEF: 39/EVP: 6]
  13. Geneflow

    Gene's List = new ArrayList();

    Red Sword soldout. TY
  14. Geneflow

    Gene's List = new ArrayList();

  15. Geneflow

    Gene's List = new ArrayList();

    3 PD you can have it. ;) Liberta Kit gone. TY.
  16. Geneflow

    Gene's List = new ArrayList();

  17. Geneflow

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Thanks for that gave me strength to continue to hunt this wonderful SJS. Finally achieve my main goal, since I entered this server. Now I will have fun with this baby. :) Note: No drop rate boost. hahaha
  18. Geneflow

    Oth's Mag Farm & Unsealing Shop

    1st Mag: Mag:Any Mag Color: Sky blue Level:100 Stats:5/50/45/0 1st Photon Blast: Leilla 2nd Photon Blast: Pilla 3rd Photon Blast: Twins Method of Payment: PDs 2nd Mag: Mag:Any Mag Color: Purple Level:100 Stats:5/50/45/0 1st Photon Blast: Leilla 2nd Photon Blast: Pilla 3rd Photon Blast: Twins...
  19. Geneflow

    Gene's List = new ArrayList();

  20. Geneflow

    Goods From The BigBreak

    I ll take it.