Search results

  1. Metaldude

    Metaldude's Buncha Nonsense

    Good with 2 PD?
  2. Metaldude

    Excalibur [0/0/0/0|20] (Closed)

    Let's get this baby started. fidy peeds for the reserve
  3. Metaldude


    My HUmar's been itching for an optimal Opt killer after carrying that fight too much. Show me what you got. EDIT: What you got has been shown and it's good. Thank you.
  4. Metaldude

    Echelon's skins & modifications

    The straight lines. I'll have to send you a screen from my desktop setup later tonight since I hadn't updated the files on my laptop. EDIT: Found it, texture22 is colored purple so it ends up coloring the vertical beams this way. I replaced it with the one from the old PSO2 effects pack and the...
  5. Metaldude

    Echelon's skins & modifications

    Just wanted to say that I love the HD effects and technics pack overall. Foie and Gifoie look especially awesome and the effects are very clean looking without drastically altering the original aesthetic. Only thing I noticed is that telepipe colors are nearly indistinguishable and that might be...
  6. Metaldude

    Does anyone play this keyboard only?

    I use keyboard because sometimes I'm too lazy to setup my stuff for controller. But I will not for a second pretend that aiming on keyboard is atrocious, especially if you need to turn 180 degrees or make adjustments that aren't within the 8 directions WASD is limited to. The aiming mistakes I...
  7. Metaldude

    Metaldude's Buncha Nonsense

  8. Metaldude


    I realized why I couldn't find my seasons points so I goofed. dis my b
  9. Metaldude


    EDIT: Scratch
  10. Metaldude

    Is there any way to change the Quick Menu bind?

    Change the key/button assigned to Symbol Chat Open.
  11. Metaldude

    Unicyclic's unicycle shop (currently sold out of unicycles)

    Angry Fist [Freeze] [50/0/35/0|0] - 600k Raygun [Hell] [0/0/0/0|40] - 50k I'll take these.
  12. Metaldude

    Stomper's Trade List (PDT)Updated 7/3/2023

    Guren [0/0/5/0|0] [Untekked] Shouren [0/0/0/0|10] [Untekked] 3PD total for these?
  13. Metaldude

    A>Holy Ray 0/0/30/20/15h

    1 pb
  14. Metaldude

    pc>lame 30dark, 35hit?

    big money son
  15. Metaldude

    Garrus PD trade list (updated August 31st)

    Late to the party. I'm jumping on now with a game "garrus" open.
  16. Metaldude

    Garrus PD trade list (updated August 31st)

    Perfect haha, let me know when you're back!
  17. Metaldude

    Garrus PD trade list (updated August 31st)

    Working now, will be around at 5:30PM EST and later.
  18. Metaldude

    Garrus PD trade list (updated August 31st)

    God Arm x2 God Mind x2 I'll take these for 2 PDs.
  19. Metaldude

    Garrus PD trade list (updated August 31st)

    Flowens Sword(3084) [0/0/0/0/30] - 2pd gimme dis
  20. Metaldude


    making game "glaze" in just a moment