Search results

  1. Usagi

    A> Red Ring [85/85 | 12/25]--DONE

    1100 pds
  2. Usagi

    A> Heart of Laconium Axe CHB: 55PD

    50 pds
  3. Usagi

    White draw distance glitch?

    Did you try Direct3D 8 (the original before dgVoodoo); or the other options not 12 or Vulkan? Because both 12 and Vulkan have been notoriously picky on which specs they will work right on, if they work at all. Since you say your shaders are default, if you haven't already can you have...
  4. Usagi


    That looks to be a GPU driver error, can you download the current Nvidia Driver select "custom install" and perform a "clean install"?
  5. Usagi

    DONE A>Weapon bank common rare Striker 0/0/0/20|90 etc.

    For English readers who do not know what items are for auction, here is the list: 1)Striker 2)Gladius 3)Raygun [Gush] 4)Raygun [Gush] 5)Raygun [Demon's] 6)Raygun [Demon's] 7)Vjaya 8)Rianov 303SNR-5 9)M&A60 Vise 10)M&A60 Vise 11)Spread Needle 12)Spread Needle 13)Spread Needle 14)Spread Needle...
  6. Usagi

    DONE A>Units bank Adept V101 etc.

    For English readers who do not know what items are for auction, here is the list: 1)v101 2)v101 3)v101 4)v801 5)v801 6)v801 7)v801 8)Adept 9)Adept 10)Centurion/Ability 11)Centurion/Ability 12)Centurion/Ability 13)Heavenly/Resist 14)Cure/Paralysis 15)Cure/Paralysis 16)Cure/Freeze 17)Cure/Freeze...
  7. Usagi

    A> Red Saber (25,0,15,0|100) done.

    Pwand Any % @ 250 Hell Shot @ 85 Arrest Needle @ 80 Demons Needle @ 80 V502 @ 30 75 pds =600 pd value
  8. Usagi

    A> Red Saber (25,0,15,0|100) done.

    Pwand Any % @ 250 Hell Shot @ 85 Demons Needle @ 80 V502 @ 30 =445 pd value
  9. Usagi

    A> Red Saber (25,0,15,0|100) done.

    Are you accepting Gold Badges, or Cookies along with your other wants?
  10. Usagi

    A >HANDGUN:GULD [0/0/0/15|0]-DONE

  11. Usagi


    Make room my Username, I will join on character named Muffet
  12. Usagi


    I can sell you one
  13. Usagi

    A> Heart of Ancient Saber (Done@ 78 pds)

    @silvia Congratulations, you won! Contacting to arrange the trade.
  14. Usagi

    [DONE] A>Tempest Cloak Max Stat

    1 pd
  15. Usagi

    A> Heart of Ancient Saber (Done@ 78 pds)

    Just under 24 hrs to go.
  16. Usagi

    A>Charge Raygun +4 0/0/40/0|75 [Done:600pd]

    500 pds
  17. Usagi

    A> Heart of Ancient Saber (Done@ 78 pds) RES: 25 pds Countdown: 48 hours Reset: mandatory 24 hours Accepting: PDs, Badges at market value, Limiters at 30 and anything else can be asked to value it or if I accept it (no PCs or Meseta at this time.)